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For sale: Nightmare Edition of Lord Chompy Bits


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It is nigh-impossible to find, so I would not doubt bids getting to $300.00..... Depends on the completionist-fanaticism of the people that may find that on auction.

I would not have set the reserve price so darn high though. $100.00 bucks reserve maybe. But that was the decision you made. The only thing that might hold you back is you have a very small Ebay score. People don't bid as much on small scores (Small as in a low number..you can have 100% positive feedback, but small scores still tend to suffer).

Good luck and I hope you get the money you desire and the buyer gets the model of his/her dreams/nightmares. :) I would bet you will have to relist it with a slightly more forgiving opening bid though.

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It would have been a whole lot wiser to start at an affordable & accessible level, and then rely on generating a competitive bidding war in order to drive it to the somewhat dizzying heights you are hoping for.

As it is, if you get one bid you'll be doing well.

And that 'if' is a mighty big two letter word in this context.

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Yeah, I laughed at someone asking $100+ for it. $250 is pretty much a ridiculous asking price. I'm sure the final bid could possibly end somewhere past $100 *IF* the starting bid was around $50-60 to generate some interest, but $250 is kind of a joke.

Its not old enough and rare enough to warrant that much of a price gouge from the original price.

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Is the price high?

To some yes, to others it isn't.

It all depends on how much you want the mini and are willing to pay.

Despite your sticker shock, there are actually quite a number of people who have added the sale to their "watch" list and I suspect Chompy will sell come the last day of the sale. But I could be wrong.

As far as people looking at ones ebay score, I've never paid any attention to that. I pay attention to the sellers feedback score as that is much more indicative of ones honesty on ebay.

Not everyone selling on ebay is a store or a regular user. Plus, you have to start somewhere right?

Yes I only have a feedback score of 62, but that's because I'm a very casual ebay user. You'll note that my feedback score is 100% positive and I aim to keep it that way.

My LGS has three of them in stock still.

Your LGS has 3 Nightmare Edition Chompys for sale??? What is the name of your LGS please and do they deliver? ;)

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Well being it was Xmas time and all, lots of extra money floating around. And just to tell all of you out there that were naysayers (and it's not my auction), it SOLD at the $250 mark.

I thought it could, and lucky for me my wife had stole mine and had sent it off to get painted. Otherwise I would be sorely tempted.

The price is only as high as the market will bear. Case in point.

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