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What games are you currently playing?

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Epic very nice used to love that game and played it alot.

At the moment I have just discovered Dystopian wars and am waiting on an order of FSA from Maelstrom. Looks like a great game.

Other interest is Lasalle (28mm Napoleonics) but Wyrd keep bringing out all these cool minis that i have to buy and paint and all my 100+ French get left in the cupboard in their box :banghead:.

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i just played a normal game of warhammer 40k again yesterday,

tested my new bloodangels and proxied some starmravens against a hardcore bloodangel player,

by the skin of my teeth i got a draw out of it!

iam happy now, looking forward to seeing the new BA releases next month :D

and also to my Mali bag that a friend of mine is ordering for me!

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Things ive been playing:

Console ( cause i love my nintendos!): Dragon Quest 9 ( DS ), and my wife and i are playing Kirby's epic yarn.

Non digital: Thunderstone ( woooo for the new expansion), Super dungeon explore ( fully painted now ) and im sad to say im trying to get into the naruto TCG (its my guilty anime pleasure)

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I hear you TheBugKing -- and my old stomping grounds of Orlando, FL.

Malifaux and Wings of War about weekly. I have a Circle of Orobos (Hordes) starter set, and now Dystopian Wars with an FSA fleet.. That does it for me; there just isn't time anymore (wistfully remembering days past...no money, but lots of time to game!).


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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm... 40? Hours into Dragon Age. And I crave more. It haunts my dreams. So. much.... Also why I dropped off the forums.

Just finished for the 2nd time. I am now working on the DLC Awakening and loving it. Though it lacks the depth of Origins its playability is awesome. After playing nightmare on origins which took forever, but was a great challenge. The system time was 52 hours but I think it was more with all the deaths. Awakening on nightmare, is now easy since I beat origins at with my main character at level 24. I feel like a god with all the cool new class abilities. Flicker is the coolest for rogues, I can do that ability enough. It is AOE effect where the rogue backstabs all the characters in the area.

On my phone can't stop playing game dev story. I think I have been 8 hours into today. It is so addictive.

Edited by Mr. Bigglesworth
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How is Dragon Quest 9?

Dragon quest nine is alot of fun. I had to stop playing it because graduate genetics is HARD. Its a little campy but overall a good time. Im trying to make my main character look and act like Ramona from Scott Pilgrim Vs the World and its working out fabulously ( just gotta find a bigger hammer)

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Finished Dead Space recently; giving the experience time to marinate before I move onto the second one. Finally nearing the end of Fallout 3. Put Prototype away last month, also gearing up for the sequel. Fatal Frame 2 went back on the shelf the other day. Tore through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Great game.

I clocked in at 110 hours in Dragon Age before I finally uninstalled it. Haven't touched the DLC or the expansion, yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yay Fallout! Fallout + Malifaux = listening to way too much country/western music.

Don't say it like its a bad thing ! I am quite partial to a bit of country myself, as long as its the decent stuff and not the bastardised rubbish that people like Garth Brooks churn out.

Anyway, back to the games.

I have just gone through the DLC for Mass Effect 2. Overlord was so-so, but the ending was amazing if a bit of punch in the guts. I have also just completed Lair of the Shadow Broker, which is an absolute blast and I think a must have for fans of Mass Effect.

I have now started playing Vanquish which is a complete change of pace to what I am normally used to. It gives my thumbs blisters and makes my eyes bleed. I love it !!

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Don't say it like its a bad thing ! I am quite partial to a bit of country myself, as long as its the decent stuff and not the bastardised rubbish that people like Garth Brooks churn out.

Yeah I'm a really big Johnny Cash fan.. also like folk stuff like Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits.

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Hell Yeah, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave and Tom Waits... all absolutely brilliant.

I think Eric J once mentioned that there are a number of Tom Waits references scattered throughout Malifaux, but I have yet to spot one.

Also, have you ever heard of The Broken Family Band ? They were a Cambridge based Alt-Country / Rock group. They have now split up, but their back catalogue is worth tracking down, they were absolutely ace.

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Hell Yeah, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave and Tom Waits... all absolutely brilliant.

I think Eric J once mentioned that there are a number of Tom Waits references scattered throughout Malifaux, but I have yet to spot one.

Also, have you ever heard of The Broken Family Band ? They were a Cambridge based Alt-Country / Rock group. They have now split up, but their back catalogue is worth tracking down, they were absolutely ace.

have you heard the Hayseed Dixies?


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Disgaea: Hour of Darkess - Yeah I'm a little late to this game, but I've already pored in over 40 hours and I'm not even half way through the game.

Waiting on:

Dragon Age 2 - If you don't see me after this game comes out, you will know why *nods*

Diablo 3 - My life is pretty much gone once this comes out =D Been waiting 10 years for this!

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@ Ratty.... yeah, I am aware of their work. I can't say I am a huge fan though. I find it amusing for one song and then get a bit bored.

Anyway, we should probably start a country music thread rather than jacking this one !!

Back to the games.....

Has anyone played Marvel vs Capcom 3 yet ?? It looks like great fun, but I think I may end up getting Mavel vs Capcom 2 from Xbox Live, unless someone can persuade otherwise.

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