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My scary tale


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Hi everyone,

So I have been wanting to make a Zoraida / Collodi gang after reading Collodi's story. I really enjoy the idea of fairy tales and think that puppets/wicked dolls/etc. would be a fun way to portray fairy tale characters.

I'm going to be pretty loose with this. There are a few characters I really want to include such as Humpty Dumpty but others will just need to fit the style but necessarily a specific tale.

Part of this is that I want to learn new techniques in modelling. The bases are all custom made using greenstuff and a few trinkets I found at a craft store (used for making jewelry). So far I'm really liking the cartoon look.

Anyway, on to the pictures...


My Zoraida






Some more bases


Obviously, this is just a start so more to come soon.

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Wow, those are FANTASTIC! It took me a good minute and some close examination to realize that, yes indeed, the witch is a conversion of Zoraida's actual model, isn't she? Very awesome.

What did you use to make Collodi? Looks like it's a model from some other line.

Actually my Zoraida is a Heresy mini. It is oddly very close to the actual Zoraida model, hence why i used it :)

My Collodi is from SMOG. Its a really great model although extremely fiddly. I was able to put a pin through one of his legs into the base but it was very slow going.

Chocolate? sounds like a good idea. I was thinking about making an over-sized Gingerbreadman to be my Teddy. Maybe a chocolate bear instead?

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Actually my Zoraida is a Heresy mini. It is oddly very close to the actual Zoraida model, hence why i used it :)

My Collodi is from SMOG. Its a really great model although extremely fiddly. I was able to put a pin through one of his legs into the base but it was very slow going.

Chocolate? sounds like a good idea. I was thinking about making an over-sized Gingerbreadman to be my Teddy. Maybe a chocolate bear instead?

If it's from Smog, isn't the scale way off? Looks cool tho.

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Actually my Zoraida is a Heresy mini. It is oddly very close to the actual Zoraida model, hence why i used it smile.gif

Ahhh, interesting. Really is a very similar pose. Nicely done.

well you can see how tall he is. Its a 1/35th scale mini, and he is standing on stilts. So Collodi is really tall! I think it fits in with the theme and emphasizes that the other models are puppets because they will be so small.

I think it looks perfect. The card art for Collodi makes him look like he towers over the dolls. So long as the base size is good, doesn't really matter how tall he is, for the most part.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been awhile but I am finally finishing up this gang of dolls. I have a couple more models to paint but now have a reason to get them done. A few friends are starting a mini-campaign over the next two months or so. I will be playing mainly with Collodi and his doll friends, though I'm making some extra models in case I feel like playing with Zoraida as well.

Anyway, on to the little things that go bump in the night. Let the Scary Tales begin!





I have three Stitched Together that I need to get painted. They are Confrontation Mid-nor Dwarves and looks great. I also have a model for Candy and a Doppleganger that I need to get painted up.

I played my first 1 on 1 game with this crew: Collodi, 3 Marionettes, 3 Wicked Dolls, and 2 Stitched. I was able to eek out a victory over Hamelin because of Collodi's in-explicable melee attacks that killed a Stolen and then Hamelin himself on the last turn.

I'm not a great fan of the Hamelin gang. It has way too many unusual rules. Maybe after more time playing against it I will come to appreciate him but for now he seems too far removed from normal gameplay. That said I know my gang is not very good at dealing with his so I should count my blessings that I was able to do so well in that game. Thanks Red Joker damage flips! I knew I would get to see you one day!


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