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Tiny's Trip around Malifaux


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Nice paintjob on Nix.

OSL tricky ive tryed the drybrush way far to messy for me your better off painting it on just work it out slowly to where you think it should go and start with a darker shade and work it up from their...and you need to go to hoh for a look great place.i'll pm you a pic of the osl i did so i dont block up your thead

Why not post it up in your thread?

Or make a new one if you want to keep Wyrd minis separate from your Rackham, etc.

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  • 3 months later...

So after a little hiatus from painting malifaux (someone was running a warmachine slow grow [Zero] at a local club). I'm back on the malifaux horse though! Much better game!!

First up is hamelin:


Not entirely happy with him but he'll do for now!

Next up is what almost killed me 18 malifaux rats:


I originally had them 4-5 different browns but i just didnt like how it looked at all I think this way it looks like much more of a swarm.

Here's how the crew's looking so far:


Next up is 6 stolen and 2 desperate mercs:


Going to be removing the blues from teh stolen so they look alot more drag and just have glowing green eyes on them.

Also need to do 2 terror tots, 2 young nephilim and 2 mature nephilim before the tourney this saturday. So.... Probably not going to make that!

As always comments and criticisms appreciated.

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@Osoi, thanks alot man. Really appreciate it as i've seen the quality of your work. Re: the matures, im not sure this will be my first outing using terror tots at all with hamelin (noob i know). My thinking was, 10 wds would be better if i get the slaughter strategy which im almost certain will happen to me.

@ratty, you sir are a prince! Those insignificant counters make me want to pee myself with joy. Also Hamelin players know how effective a good bully can be:P

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Thanks for the positive comments guys i really appreciate it. Helps keep me going!!

@ninjabreadman, if i havent posted paint recipes and you'd like it for nix let me know. Happy to help.

Well next up are teh 6 stolen i've just finished painting. For tiny models there is alot of detail on them. I painted them drab colours so their glowing eyes pop a bit more. It was my first time doing OSL i think it turned out ok.

Anyway here they are:



And next up will be 2 terror tots followed by 2 young, then i just need to do 2 desperate mercs and im done with hamelin until the avatar comes out! Painting wise that is.


As always comments and criticisms appreciated, thanks for looking.

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Well here are the latest additions to the ranks. A pair of 2 young nephilim. I dont think i'm going to paint up mature as plagued because need 2 blood counters and another 9 of masks to get out i dont see myself ever bothering to upgrade them past young.

So here they are they actually turned out quite fast to paint:


And here's the crew to date, all that is left to paint until im done with it is 2 guild hounds and 2 desperate mercs.


October was a productive month! Managed to paint all that bar the rat catchers, totem and nix in a little over 2 weeks.

As always comments and criticism welcome.

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Cheers for the comments boys! Osoi get amongst it before it gets too hot to sit next to a lamp!!

Nico is probably going to jump the queue infront of guild hounds because i'm going to paint him for the painting comp at my next tourney (13th nov).

So here's how he looks so far:



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Malifaux slow grow coming up.

Only really have to paint up 50ss. But im crazy so ill be painting the following:

Ok so i got my levy crew together and undercoated ready for slow grow.

Here's what im aiming at finishing by the end of the grow.


2x waifs

8x steam punk abominations - 24ss

2x desolation engine - 24ss

Killjoy - 11ss

Mechanical Rider - 8ss

Dead Rider - 10ss

Hooded Rider -8ss

Ashes and Dust - 13ss

Ashen Core - summoned

Dust Storm - summoned

2x Necropunks - 6ss

Bette Noire - 9ss

Rusty Alice - 8ss

Steampunk arachnid swarm - 9ss

canine remains - 2ss

Total points...... 126ss

Here's how im looking so far.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm still alive. I was deciding which faction to focus on in 2012 for tournies etc. It was a toss up between Neverborn and Ressers. Ressers ended up winning out as neverborn I felt was just too easy to be dominate in games. Ressers will be more of a challenge and seeing as i play at least twice as many games as my opponents, should be good.

So first up are some bases i'm doing for a slow grow Zero is holding at Good Games in Burwood once a month


Planning on basing the whole resser faction on these except maybe the spirits but we'll see! Seriously love wyrd base inserts they are awesome.

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After much painting i've now painted a total of 3 models for the year of the crow totalling a total ZERO ss worth of models. Very fulfilling!

here they are:


And here's whats up next:


After that I'll be doing Nico and then the dead rider. Havent had a chance to play any games with nico yet so no report on that front. Soon though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's what i've managed to paint up before today's tourney at hall of heroes:


The photos actually came out much darker than what the model is.

Should be tweeting results/photos throughout the day if you're interested my twitter name for malifaux is:


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