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Leveticus shopping list


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To be honest I'm not sure how many steampunks and deso engines you'd need. While I have a Levi crew of my own, I've only used him once. Having 2/8 in your collection seems like a generous number though. I do know that you'll probably want to look at taking a few other minions in your crew, specifically canine remains and necropunks.

The canine remains are cheap and they're grave robbers. This means that with the canines around, Leveticus will leave a corpse when he dies, which you can then use to summon your second hollow waif next turn (this is very important!). Of course you can also kill a canine and use it's corpse for a hollow waif, depending on the situation at hand.

Necropunks are tough and with the right cards, very fast for their cost. But the main reason to take them is the fact that they're not insignificant! Most games are going to require you to do more than just crush your opponent, and having a crew made mostly of insignificant steampunk abominations tends to be a major hinderance for that.

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No problem. :D

It'd probably help to just look through all the souless, construct and undead minions in books 1 and 2 and just see which ones might work well with Leveticus. Anything with a good Cb trigger that needs a :crows (eg. Flesh constructs) tends to be worth looking at, since Levi has that lovely blessings of desolation spell. ;)

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I've only played Leveticus a few times so far, but on top of the cheap minions Rathnard mentioned, you might want to look into Killjoy and Bette Noir as well for some high cost minion options. You can sacrifice Levi to summon Killjoy "for free", and Bette will come out every time Levi (or anybody else for that matter) is killed/sacrificed.

I've only played 25~30SS games with him so far, but six SPAs was enough in a SPA/Desolation Engine list, and I never needed more than four in a non-SPA/DE list at that size. I do believe however that you might actually need eight SPAs if you play 35SS and over.

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