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Expanding perdita force from the starter box


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Peace Keeper is good but expensive. The Executioner is also nice as well.

Of the three choices above I would go with the Death Marschals. They are wicked good ranged units, which compliments the Ortegas nicely. Plus they are good enough melee fighters to pick up the slack there if needed.

Another good model to think about is the Guild Austiger. They also really do good at a range and are a nice compliment to Nino

Abuala comes out next month and she is a must have as well.

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Im a long time player of the Family, and i agree moma loco and the Executioner are good add ons, along with perditas totem, it alows you to cast obey a 2nd time.

But I am thinking that you want a cheep model to boslter your numbers,and there is none better then the witchling stalker.

I would go with the stalkers because they are better then guards and the dath guys at Melee something the ortagas can use, aslo they just have better sub skills like scout and hunter that make them more useful for schemes and such.

over all if you compair Guild Guards, Deathmarshals, witchling stalkers with each other you will find that the witchlings will be more useful, the deathmarshals have some okay ablities but out side of a lady J list they tend not to shine. The stalkers on the other hand work just as well in any list.

I use them in my family list and I find that the simple fact that they are scouts make them the choice worth taking.

hope this helps.


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Honestly I think the convict gunslinger is overkill. There are a lot of good Guild Models that can do his job just as well as he can(most are Ortegas). I really see him as a good include for Res and Neverborn players since they have so few ranged models.

I'm not saying hes bad, but hes not my first choice as an addition.

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The only thing to worry about with that list is if you get stuck with something like Reconnoiter. Since you are running with a small amount of units.

Other then that though its a pretty viable list. If you went up to 35 SS I would suggest dropping Fransisco in there.

And if you wanted to go for a more medium to short ranged gun fight swap out Nino for Santiago. But that might just be me, I love good old Santiago "The Terminator" Ortega.

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The only thing to worry about with that list is if you get stuck with something like Reconnoiter. Since you are running with a small amount of units.

Other then that though its a pretty viable list. If you went up to 35 SS I would suggest dropping Fransisco in there.

And if you wanted to go for a more medium to short ranged gun fight swap out Nino for Santiago. But that might just be me, I love good old Santiago "The Terminator" Ortega.

Well since you pick your list after strategies I don't see a big issue ;)

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