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Letting it Slide...

gunpowder saint

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Here's the Situation...

You're playing Lilith, or whoever you feel like imagining yourself as right now [[lol doesn't matter]] but lets say your not used to using, or going against the Peacekeeper and your Opponent Sonnia Criid is now running the Big Spider thing. You go through the game not really worrying about anything and then you realize

oh crap! the Peacekeeper has those faulty wires!

Then you realize, there were several events at which he flipped a 4 or lower.

now here's the question... I know it comes down to sportsmanship, but who's responsibility is it to remember/inform your opponent of the more subtle of rules like the Peacekeeper, or Rami LaCroix who if he flips a one can't cheat fate.

honestly can you let the competitive spirit let simple rules like that slide here and there but then call it on them? I don't know about you but honestly there are alot of double edged rules here and there that makes me feel almost obligated to have the book open to the opponents models just incase something backfires ya know?

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Just remind him, he might have forgotten. Don't worry about the fact he's done it. Normally they won't have a problem. Couple of games back I forgot that Jack Daw scores 0 in defence when he flips a :masks, I was glad when someone reminded me, most people don't want to cheat even if it's by accident (To be honest I was much more glad when someone pointed out that he couldn't be hurt by normal stikes).

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oh crap! the Peacekeeper has those faulty wires!

Then you realize, there were several events at which he flipped a 4 or lower.

now here's the question... I know it comes down to sportsmanship, but who's responsibility is it to remember/inform your opponent of the more subtle of rules like the Peacekeeper, or Rami LaCroix who if he flips a one can't cheat fate.

honestly can you let the competitive spirit let simple rules like that slide here and there but then call it on them? I don't know about you but honestly there are alot of double edged rules here and there that makes me feel almost obligated to have the book open to the opponents models just incase something backfires ya know?

With the peace keeper. If he forgets take the peace keaper and put in in a spare sock and Sock-keeper the cheater with it. :damnmate:

In this game its easy to make slips like that. In friendly games you let stuff slide and then take the mick about them cheating to try to beat you. ( in a light hearted way.)

In tornys its harder I would say that you need to be clued up on hte rules for any faction that you are faceing and need to check your opponant is playing correctly. Its easy enough to take back one move but if its been going on all game then you will have to let it slide as otherwise youhave to replay the game.

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I'm another who forgets things all the time. Normally we just let it slide and remember to apply the results next turn or whever they pop up again.

I've started putting random counters next to those models who's rules I have the most trouble remembering. Makes me look at the card to see why I marked them.

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I'm the one that usually forgets all kinds of stuff... though it's usually stuff that would go in my favor. Typically if we forget a rule or something and we've already moved onto something else by the time we remember we just keep going.

It happens, but it's all about having fun. It's easier to just let it go than to go back and try and change the whole game over forgetting a rule, even if it would change the game. You just gotta try and remember next time.

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