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total noob in need of help


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Hi all,

I´m totally new to the game, I just watched some 2-3 games, though I didn´t understand much! The rules seem to be rather complicated.

Nevertheless, a lot of people recently started playing that game in my LGS and I´m thinking about being part of that group of beginners, ie I´m rather interested in starting the game.

Because the look of the models always is one of the mort important things for me, I browsed through the online store to look what models may be in my favour.

Well, Perdita decided that race slightly followed by Sonnia. I already tried to get some informations on these forums regarding both of these figurines and seems to me that Perdita is a well balanced character that is rather easy to master. Unfortunaltely I couldn´t get any informations on Sonnia yet.

Reading about Perdita she sound as if she is the right one to start with, though I don´t like the models much that are part of her boxed set, which pushed me towards the consideration that I like to buy individual models as a starter party. The models I really like due to their look are (in the named order from best to least):


Guild Guard


Guild Austringer

Govermors Proxy


Could I get a good starter out of these models? For starting purposes I´d like to stay away from huge investments, therefore the Peacekeeper is on the last. But if he is mandatory to have the slightest chance of winning, I´ll go and get him. ;)

Or should I rather start with Sonnias boxed set, which looks also pretty nice?


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There are really no bad Guild models but you lose one of Perdita's major synergy abilities(Family and companion) if you don't field any other Oretga model(the other guys in her box set).

As far as Sonnia, she is tricky to master then Perdita but still a lot more straightforward then a lot of masters. She is mainly a spell caster with a lot of area effect fire spells. She is good against other high spell casting models. Her box set also includes Sameal Hopkins who is one of the highest damage dealing models in the game.

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There are really no bad Guild models but you lose one of Perdita's major synergy abilities(Family and companion) if you don't field any other Oretga model(the other guys in her box set).

Mmhh, ok, I know what synergy mean, but I have no clue what family and companion mean. Are these rules that strong so that I definetely should field some Ortegas?

And if so, which of the Ortegas should be named mandatory? I read about Nino (if I remember correctly), because he offers long range fire support. Any others?


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Nino is a nessecity. He gives a huge ranged advantage.

Family and companion allows all of your family models to activate simotaniously. I also like fransisco as well. The family is good overall. And are easy to learn and brutal when mastered. My second favorite faction.

Edited by Iamwyrd
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I suggest Nino and Francisco as a necessity. Nino has amazing range and decent damage and Francisco has a spell that lets him get a better card right from the start of the duel.

Papa is okay but he is a very large target and most people you go against will try to kill him off as fast as they can because when the enemy is grouped up, he wreaks havoc.

Santiago is the other Ortega, I personally don't much care for him because he has to be hurt to get his major advantages and Perdita's gang doesn't have very good healing capabilities (if any at all).

As far as your question of Family and Companion. Companion is a rule in Malifaux that let's two of your models go right after one another instead of having to wait for your opponent to activate a model.

Family is a special exception to this rule. Family means that when you activate Perdita, you can Companion ALL of the Family members at one time instead of just one (so long as the others have not activated).

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WEll, thanks for the clarification. Family and companion indeed seem to be strong rules tegarding ingame tactics. Manipulating the order of activations is a huge benefit in all tabletopgames I know.

Mhh, ok, then I have to get some Ortegas to get the most out of Perdita. Let´s say I go with




Which of the following models would best suit these 3 lads?

Guild Guard

Guild Austringer


Governors Proxy?


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Family is a special exception to this rule. Family means that when you activate Perdita, you can Companion ALL of the Family members at one time instead of just one (so long as the others have not activated).

Actually just to be clear family is just the key word Companion works off. IE Companion (family). Any companion ability can activate more then two models if they all have the keyword. For example Companion(Belle) works with any Res with the Belle trait.

And for the record I really enjoy Santiago. He can really put the hurt on at medium range(with Rapid fire and Paired pistols) and his Hard to kill ability helps keep him alive.

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Which of the following models would best suit these 3 lads?

Guild Guard

Guild Austringer


Governors Proxy?

Of those models I would say its a tie between the Executioner and the Austiger as the must haves. They are both really good.

The Executioner is a bit slow but you can use Perditas obey spell to get him moving much quicker across the board.

The Austriger is really nice in any Guild list. It is not a huge damage dealer but it can hit something 18" away with no LOS needed, which makes it really good for long range lists.

As for the other two. The Guild Guards are kinda boring IMHO. But they are cheap.

For Perdita I would go with her themed Totem(The Enslaved Nephelim) rather then the governors proxy. Mostly because it gives you a 2nd Obey to cast each turn which is very useful.

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Have a look under this months releases. Granny Ortaga is a really cool model.

Oh yeah Abuala is on my list of must haves

A 3rd obey casting, Ability to heal models, Ability to give one non-unique model the family and companion ability. Plus a bunch more. She is a must have for Ortega's crew.

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I'd go ahead and take the Peacekeeper off your original list. It goes great with any Guild crew.

Fair warning--it's a pain to assemble, but once you get it done, it looks great.

You can also get away with a fairly simple paint job on it, if you want. I'm a lousy painter, so I just did it up with a slightly glittery metallic dark grey (looks a bit like dark grey car paint, actually), with some metallic brown bits here and there and red for the eyes. It looks great. (At least for one of my paint jobs.)

If you're a good painter (unlike me), you could also get fancy with it.

On the play side, it's expensive to include, but it's a beast on the board. Fast, tough, and brutal. It tends to draw fire a lot, but that frees up your other models to go after objectives.

You could do the full Family (including Abuela, who I'll be adding to my Family crew very soon--she's just too fun not to), and have the Peacekeeper for bigger games. (The box set is right around 25ss.)

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Be careful with that Gov'n Proxy, while the benefits are great...if you lose a Morale Duel while in his LoS, you die.

No if's, and's, or but's...you are KO'd.

Very true but as there aren't that many Morale duels and most come from Terrifying which is normally a 12 resist and doesn't go higher than 14. You should be fine, needing a 4 and being able to cheat is not that risky, needing a 2 and being able to cheat is just a joke.

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Very true but as there aren't that many Morale duels and most come from Terrifying which is normally a 12 resist and doesn't go higher than 14. You should be fine, needing a 4 and being able to cheat is not that risky, needing a 2 and being able to cheat is just a joke.

Unless you go up against Pandora and then your just buggered

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Unless you go up against Pandora and then your just buggered

Why, as far as I know Pandora has no Morale Duels, just WP tests. Even her Fall back is not a Morale Duel. The only thing that she regularly takes that has a Morale Duel is the Terrifying on Teddy and the Terrifying on Kade if he uses that kids got a knife.

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Yea Pandora doesn't have any Morale Duels on her own, but Trapped In Your Own Nightmare (which is still Terrifying->12).

I think Pandora is one of the crews against which the Proxy is almost a necessity...

The nastiest Morale Duels in the game are by far those from the Guild Lawyers Cross Examination.

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I think every time Gov's Proxy is mentioned people bring this up because of equating all WP duels to Morale duels :)

Yep he only kills you if you run away from scary things.

Personally I still say for the 2 VP the Nephilim is better then he is. +2 WP is nice but the Ortegas already have stubborn. Maybe I am just addicted to obey

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Yep he only kills you if you run away from scary things.

Personally I still say for the 2 VP the Nephilim is better then he is. +2 WP is nice but the Ortegas already have stubborn. Maybe I am just addicted to obey

Agreed. Having the suit for obey is much more useful to me.

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I think every time Gov's Proxy is mentioned people bring this up because of equating all WP duels to Morale duels :)

True, although there are more morale duels coming. A quick example is I faced a Marcus list the other night that brought in the Lawyer. The Lawyer has (1) Cross Examination that is a straight cast morale duel. There are other new models that also have morale duels built in, such as coppelius.

Not saying the proxy is bad, just that the theory that terrifying is the only morale duel is not as true anymore.

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Hi all,

first of all: thanks for all your answers so far!

Well, after having a closer look at the Guild models, the following models are the ones I would use. Models that aren´t listed I don´t like to get.



Nino (it´s a bit meh, but if it is really that good gamewise...)

Grandma Ortega

witchling stalkers

Guild Austringer

Now some questions for you:

1. It´s mentioned several times that every model in Malifaux is playable – therefore I´m thinking the above models would work well together. Am I right?

2. What´s with outcasts? There are some really sweet looking models such as Taelor or the Ronin. Is it possible to run these with Perdita? If so, what´s the drawbacks compared to Guild models?

3. Could anyone clarify that special rule of Grandma Ortega that allows to run a friendly model with the family companion rule?

Thanks all,


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We had a game at my LGS where Lady J went against Seamus and charged him while his Terrifying 14 was active...she got a black Joker...and died.

That's just my meaning, I know it's a rare occasion but it still sucks.

You can still use a soulstone on a Black Joker, did you get a bad flip on that too?

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Hi all,

2. What´s with outcasts? There are some really sweet looking models such as Taelor or the Ronin. Is it possible to run these with Perdita? If so, what´s the drawbacks compared to Guild models?

Some outcasts have the mercenary tag and therefore can be taken by any Master (as long as there is nothing else stopping them being hired) however the main drawback is you have to pay an extra Soulstone for them.

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