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So who's playing New Vegas?

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And this, children, is why MMO's are absolutely terrible for society.

And how exactly is it terrible for society? WoW has over 12 million active subscribers. I've interacted with hundreds, if not thousands of different people over the last 3 years that if it weren't for MMOs I wouldn't even know of their existence.

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Right, I'm pissed off. I went to check out Sloan and got attacked on sight. Didn't think much of it. I then went back to the Mojave Outpost and was attacked on sight. Despite my NCR alignment being neutral. I tried EVERYTHING to make them stop shooting me. Went online and discovered this has happened to toher people, some kind of glitch. Tried everything they suggested but nothing worked. So I've had to go WAAAAYY back to an early save (level 6, I WAS on level 15!) and try to not piss them off, even though I've got no idea what I did wrong. I had done a few NCR quests and was getting known as an ally then suddenly BAM! If it happens again I'll either just go and join the Legion or play Fable while waiting for a fix for Bethesda. I'm miffed.

Edited by DangerousBeans
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Online =/= healthy face to face interaction. Nothing wrong with playing an MMO. But if that's all you do, and you don't get out and learn to converse with people face to face (which is what many MMO players do), then yes, it's bad for society.

I'm going to disagree with this. MMOs are amazingly good if you suffer from bipolar disorders. If your in a depressive cycle you are not going to be out doing face to face. MMOs are very low eb so if you are in a state where you can't face doing anything it's very easy to boot into a MMO. The gameplay keeps you engaged enough that your mind can't send you into a depressive cycle.

However you need to be able to walk away from it and do other things when your not in this state.

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Right, I'm pissed off. I went to check out Sloan and got attacked on sight. Didn't think much of it. I then went back to the Mojave Outpost and was attacked on sight. Despite my NCR alignment being neutral. I tried EVERYTHING to make them stop shooting me. Went online and discovered this has happened to toher people, some kind of glitch. Tried everything they suggested but nothing worked. So I've had to go WAAAAYY back to an early save (level 6, I WAS on level 15!) and try to not piss them off, even though I've got no idea what I did wrong. I had done a few NCR quests and was getting known as an ally then suddenly BAM! If it happens again I'll either just go and join the Legion or play Fable while waiting for a fix for Bethesda. I'm miffed.

I had this problem too, but the last patch seemed to fix it. Do you have that patch?

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If you are working for another faction (Caesar's Legion or Mr. House or Yes Man) then the NCR will start to hate you. You actually get some quest updates I believe to let you know that the NCR knows you are working for their enemies and will not trust you anymore.

Yes, that's how it's SUPPOSED to work. I don't know about the others, but mine happened while I had an excellent standing with the NCR. I was at "accepted" status, and was currently working with them at Helios one. I left the building, and the NCR immediately started shooting me. And before I could do anything about it, my companions ripped them to pieces, dropping almost all the way down.

It's a bug, not misplay.

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I am patiently awaiting Mass Effect 3 :). I will give NV a shot when it drops down to the bargain bin price. I am currently wasting to much free time playing Blood Bowl:Legendary Edition on my PC.

Heh. I am alternating between BB and New Vegas. BB has the upper hand right now, though.

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@ Svenn - I wasn't up to anything untoward the NCR, in fact I was doing my best to stay in their good books. However, went to their outpost outside the Lucky 18 Casino, we're chatting away, all is well. I go to leave and suddenly they all attack me!

I've decided to leave Fallout for now (as I don't want to end up hating the game).

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