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Addiction: Scare Bear Stare

Shadeau Gorgon

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I both hate these and love them at the same time...

What recipe did you use for the teeth and gums? I love it!

Also, being new to freehand, did you trace/sketch things first or just go at it with the brush?

Every one of the teeth is a little different. I used Squid Pink as a base for most and either the Baal Red or Badab Black GW washes a few times over to darker the gum lines, then went over the teeth with Jack Bone from P3 and washed those with the Sepia wash...

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Also, being new to freehand, did you trace/sketch things first or just go at it with the brush?

I used a pencil to make a grid on the base coated paint and then free handed on the grid. Gridding helped with the symmetrical ones like Tenderheart, but the sleepytime bear I think it hurt on. I would have just freehanded that one if I had known.

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Every one of the teeth is a little different. I used Squid Pink as a base for most and either the Baal Red or Badab Black GW washes a few times over to darker the gum lines, then went over the teeth with Jack Bone from P3 and washed those with the Sepia wash...

One more thing Avatar, on the "Chow" like gums I used stone grey and washed them up to the darker shade... (I love GW's Washes... they act more like a stain than a wash IMHO).

More bears will be coming within the week... stay tuned!

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So... for something a little different...

Here's my log of work on the two newest bears. I'm going to try to let y'all into my brain, so you can see how truly crazy it is.

I picked up my bears from the store (I always order through my local gaming store so that I can support them and Wyrd at the same time).

I brought them home and let them sit in the clamshells until I could get to Michael's. I tend to start backwards with the Bears. I try to figure out what the base will be then begin painting from there, so for base components I wander about the store with a lot of free time so I can let my mind wander...

Sure enough, the first item caught my eye.


Little clay pots. So I figure I can do the Friendship bear with the two sunflowers on his/her tummy, the pots are a great complement color and I have some ideas on how to use them pretty creatively...


So... one bearable idea down, one to go...



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Next I came across these tiny Lemaxx trees that are snow topped. I've not done a snow base and with all the Rasputina (the Mini, not the coolest indie goth grudge trio of the late 90's http://www.rasputina.com), I was pretty much obligated to do one...


So what bear to do? Maybe cheer bear? The pink one? I don't have a pink so sure! why not?


I get to the check out and what do I see... a sugar plum candle...


the green of the trees and the frostiness would be pretty dang cool on a purple bear. Soooo it's now the bear with the 2 lollipops on it's tummy...




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Shopping done I head home, change into my "craftin' pants" (useful for both Mini's and WoW), and get the Dremel fired up...


I grind down until the circles really start to show, then I use the biting edge of the bit to recreate the fur grooves around the edge. Then it's time to clean up the mold lines and the little bit of flash that always seems to happen around their feet... (BTW the retractable X-acto Knives at Wal-mart have lessened my band aid bill by at least half!)


Once they are cleaned up, it's time to wash them down really good. I use a drop of dishsoap and a squirt of simple green just to pull all the mold release off the models, with an old toothbrush...





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All cleaned, now it's time to prime.

I used GW's Skull white for these, as they will need a bright base color to build off of.

In South Carolina there is NEVER a great day to prime, we are always too windy, too humid, too cold, or too hot to prime. So I've rigged up a small paint booth at the house.

I took a Plastic Tote box and use it to shield everything in the house. I plan on cutting a large hole in the back and attaching it to a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner as soon as I find a used one in the second hand stores.


After they are primed I put them on their temp bases. I have INCREDIBLY fat hands so a cork or a coke cap is hard for me to keep a hold of so I use old skool thread spools (the wooden ones). Most of the time I put a thin layer of cork board on top of the spool, but I was out so I sticky tacked them to the bases as is.


Next they each got their base coats...


I've washed them using a orange/brown ink, and the leviathan purple GW wash today, and should have some picks of them tonight to post up.




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Friendship bear, he's got his grid and he's ready for his tummy symbol...


As for Share Bear... well we have a problem... I didn't notice that the circle on the tummy is all a-wobble until after I put the base coat on her... She will have to be reworked... :(




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Friendship Bear:

Sketched out the image I wanted,


Added the base layer of Mouldy Ochre so that the yellow will pop in a single coat on the eyes, flowers, and the nose. Also base coated the stems in necron green...


I added the bright yellow to the flowers, the teeth, and eyes. Along with a coating of hunter green on the stem and leaves.


In the finished shot you'll see the brown smiley faces on the flowers, but I don't have a shot of those...




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During Lunch at work today...

Base coats in bubble gum and cotton candy...


Secondary layers plus a white heart shape, it's easier to do this than to try to line the hearts in the next step...


Then the final over heart design in opposing colors...


After this I washed it in Badab Black (just the tummy) and then colored the eyes with the left over pink and blue. I don't like the eyes so I will be redoing those tonight...




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What recipe did you use for gums and teeth?

On both the Orange and the Purple I used Squid Pink on the gums, jack bone from P3 on the teeth, then washed.

Orange got a number of layers of Gryphone Sepia, then I used touches of the burnt orange and yellows to highlight.

Purple got washes (heavy) of the Badab Black, her highlights will be cold grey and white...

Likely won't finish her until tomorrow...

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On both the Orange and the Purple I used Squid Pink on the gums, jack bone from P3 on the teeth, then washed.

Orange got a number of layers of Gryphone Sepia, then I used touches of the burnt orange and yellows to highlight.

Purple got washes (heavy) of the Badab Black, her highlights will be cold grey and white...

Likely won't finish her until tomorrow...

Oh! And between the first layer of wash and the second on both I used a layer of the Baal Red just on the gums and the base of the teeth. The best part about the GW washes is they dry waterproof, so you layer them on top of each for some depth.

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