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Ramos' Crew


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I finally have my Ramos crew fully assembled and have started slapping some paint on them. I did order Doc Taranto to be my Gunsmith. He's on his way.

I'm also planning on using the Brass Arachnid as a Mobile Toolkit proxy since I somehow misplaced my little Warmachine half jacks.

The Fleur De Ly counters are going to stand in for scrap counters until I build some.

Now I just have to wait for the weather to warm up so I can prime the rest and continue painting them.




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Thanks guys :embarasse. I was a little worried going in on Ramos because I haven't painted a "human" in close to ten years. It's been all Greenskins for me.

I had a lot of fun basing the spiders. I really wanted them to feel a bit like they were scrambling about in an old factory and once I saw I could get an opening box I had to have one crawling out.

Now I just need to find a good Joss proxy....

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Great paint job - are those Antenociti crates I spy ? What about the bases - are they scratch built ?


Not sure on the crates. I picked them up on eBay and they just came in a box.

However I just looked up Antenociti and I would say that yes, those are the same crates! I also want to thank you for pointing them out. They've got some great stuff on that site.

The bases that are painted are Back 2 Basix that I had laying around. Ramos is on Johan's base. The other bases are all from Dragon Forge, including the counters.


I usually base all my models on Dragon Forge stuff. Jeff's an awesome guy.

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Ratty has the right of it. Pancake Joss is one of the few sculpts I just do not like. I'm not a huge fan of using proxies either so I've been considering just not using him at all, which is why I have Johan in my crew.

I have an Iron Kingdoms Trollkin I'm likely going to paint up and use for now. Instead of a Native American he can be a Native Malifauxiean. We only game at home so I don't really have to worry about anyone giving me a hard time about what I use. :spider:

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Thanks guys :embarasse. I was a little worried going in on Ramos because I haven't painted a "human" in close to ten years. It's been all Greenskins for me.

I had a lot of fun basing the spiders. I really wanted them to feel a bit like they were scrambling about in an old factory and once I saw I could get an opening box I had to have one crawling out.

Now I just need to find a good Joss proxy....

I've been using this guy to great effect.

Not perfect, but he's close and just needs some light modding

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Managed to finish off most of Ramos crew. I've yet to tackle the Steamborg, it's an intimidating model to paint.

I also had to break down and order a Rusty Alyce proxy. I'm legally blind in one eye and she's just too tiny for me to paint. I have to stick to mostly "chunky" figures. I went with "Dirty Meg" from PP. It's one of those models I always wanted.

So I still have my Alyce, Joss and Gunsmith proxies as well as a Convict Gunslinger and Steamborg to paint. Hoping to get the done by the 23rd. I have a 45ss game and I'd like to use this crew.

Camera didn't want to focus on the little fellah's. But they're just metallic anyhow. Nothing fancy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got my 45 stone crew (and summons) finished!. I decided to go with the Mobile Toolkit and re-based my Brass Arachnid on a 40mm base, bought a second one and used them as a Large Steampunk Arachnids.

Group Shot (sorry bad pic):


Johan, Large Steampunk Arachnids, and the Gunsmith:


Some Spiders:


Ramos, again:


Ramos, Rusty Alyce and Totem proxies:


Johan and the Gunsmith:


Electrical Creation:


Partial overview of the town we played in today. The Carver mission. I managed to win by annihilating The Carver in one turn :D. It was magical. We changed things up a tiny bit by allowing all houses to be searchable, not just three, and we had a friend control The Carver.


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  • 5 months later...

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