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TGN Gaming polls


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Just came across these gaming polls over at tabletopgaming news in relation to what people purchased and played over 2010.


Makes interesing reading. Malifaux seems to only be below WM/H and the 2 core GW games (I don't count LOTR as core), at least it was when I looked.

Whilst I suspect that percentage wise GW would be much higher than it is in the polls - some GW players are very insular - it is still good to see.

Anyway, just thought it was worth posting for your perusal.

Edit: I assume this is the right place to post this, if not feel free to move to general or wherever it would be best placed.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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I did reference them as "thugs" which, understandably, implies something I didn't intend to convey. Too many gaming forums have an open animosity toward other games that it's really easy to jump to that.

My implication is that they're "big and tough" not that they're the type of thugs that will rape and pillage. Those games are big and tough to beat for sales.

My true intention was to convey the notion: "Man! I feel like we're a high school football team actually competing well against a pro team [just not the Lions...]"

"Juggernaut" conveys my feelings more. Hordes, Warmachine, WH Fantasy, and 40K....we're competing WELL against those juggernauts/giants/titans/thugs." ;)

More in my defense, my last line is that we're running with the big dogs and the first is "impressive" further conveying my surprise that we're in such solid contention. Clearly, I think, my original post conveyed my respect for those games.

edit: Oh, forgot: Warmachine IS a bigger thug! We're just not ahead of them in the poll. The poll differentiates WM and Hordes just as it does WH 40k and Fantasy. I'm, frankly, more surprised that Warmachine surpasses both GW games. I have five full cases of WM/Hordes and own now GW product but I'm still surprised that the poll results reflect that. What's clear is that we're a bigger thug than I realized.

Edited by nerdelemental
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I'd say that Malifaux is the fastest growing Mini game today. It's growth is in part due to the popularity of the other Mini games out there. Yet us gamers are always looking for a side game to mix things up after awhile. And the fact that Malifaux is much cheaper to buy into and the rules are so intuitive after playing the other games it is no wonder it is growing so fast.

I wonder if Nathan and the crew saw this coming when they released their first Chronicle in 2008 introducing Malifaux?

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Yes definitely impressive for the early stages of the game.

Yeah, definitely.

It's hard to call a poll like that conclusive, since not that many people participated, secondary systems are counted (which most likely favors skirmish systems) and the results also probably in part depend on what forums are made aware of the thing, but, all that said, Malifaux left a few established similar systems behind.

Infinity and Uncharted Seas, for example.

Anima Tactics, too, but that's a niche game for the anime crowd, so whatever.

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