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Are there any good all comers 25 an 35 SS Rasputina builds floating around?

One of the closest "all comers" lists I've figured out (as I've slowly bought more and more Arcanist models) is:


Essence of Power-2



Silent One-6


The list lacks a little bit of speed, but with the buff the silent one gives both Kaeris and Rasputina (making their spells/ranged attacks 15"!) you don't need to move all that much. You also gain a lot of board control with both K and R throwing around their respective pillars.

The hardest matchup I've found for this list is Lilith, because she and her brood (save the tots) pretty much ignore the pillars (either outright, or they can fly over them). That, and if Lilith is smart, she'll chain through your little guys with her young/mature nephilim and beat on your juicy casters with the big L herself.

Being able to kill an already grievously wounded gamin with kaeris, and give all the enemy models within 3" a burning counter can set them up for some nasty damage, or just mitigate the speed of some crews. And since practically everything shatters on death, you can be reasonably assured that anyone doing the killing up close will be not too excited.

People tend to use the cerberus a lot, but I've never had luck with him (usually because he gets stranded by himself).


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Here's what I use for 35:


Essence of power




Silent One

Silent One


I've also run one where I drop a Gamin and the Cerberus and throw in the Steamborg.

+1 on the Cerberus. It adds some much needed speed to the list and it can be easily painted to match a winter theme.

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So Instead of making a new thread for my question, I think I will just ask it here if that is alright with everyone. I've read on here people refer to the Gamin as "Arc Nodes"; what exactly are y'all talkin' about when you say that?

Also I was wondering if 'Tina could use multiple Ice Gamin to see further than the 6" range allowed, or is that what y'all meant by Nodes?

I'm extreamly new to Malifaux here so excuse the n00bish question. I just picked up 'Tina and Perdita (I love anything Western lol) last week and would like some clearing up on that question if y'all don't mind. Thanks!

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So Instead of making a new thread for my question, I think I will just ask it here if that is alright with everyone. I've read on here people refer to the Gamin as "Arc Nodes"; what exactly are y'all talkin' about when you say that?

Also I was wondering if 'Tina could use multiple Ice Gamin to see further than the 6" range allowed, or is that what y'all meant by Nodes?

I'm extreamly new to Malifaux here so excuse the n00bish question. I just picked up 'Tina and Perdita (I love anything Western lol) last week and would like some clearing up on that question if y'all don't mind. Thanks!

I believe "arc node" has absolutely nothing to do with Malifaux, and is instead a Warmachine term. Some of the giant machines in Warmachine (the Jacks, as they're called) have an ability that lets their caster cast spells through them.

Very similar to the Ice Mirror ability a lot of December models possess as well. I actually don't find myself using it all that often, mainly because of the -3Ca penalty (bringing Rasputina's very respectable Ca7 down to a measley 4). I'd almost rather give someone cover than minus 3 from my "to hit" flip. It is nice, however, to be able to bounce spells around corners with a Gamin perched up high, or at the edge of a building, though.

It's also nice because the Silent One can also buff the range of the Ice Mirror ability (I'm pretty confident on this, anyone confirm/deny?).

Oh, and only a single model may be used as a Mirror.


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Druchi is correct. A ton of Malifaux players are also current or former Warmachine players, so the term stuck.

I'm still a relatively new 'Tina player, but I almost never use gamin for ice mirror. Silent ones, on the other hand, I definitely do. I have one Gamin sit back and activates bite of winter, and a silent one casting north wind. Then my second silent one ranges forward a bit for the ice mirror arc, and to trow out a few freezes.

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I'd almost like for the counters to present MORE of a 3D shape, not so "wallish" but more, you know, "pillarish", being more of a standing obelisk rather than a rectangle on one of it's short sides.

The cork looks great, though, and it'll paint up VERY much like a very hoarfrosty material. I took my pillars in the OTHER direction, and made them more crystalline, but yours look nice. I just wish they were less wall-like and more like pillars.

But a lot of that is personal preference, it'd be nice to see them painted!


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I'm rather proud of the ice pillar solution I came up with; pencils! You can see an in progress shot in my log. I haven't taken a more recent one, but I've assembled six and painted four. I can't see myself using more than six at any one time against most opponents. I only needed four against Ramos last game.

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So I have another question. Ice Pillars can be broken, so I was wondering if it was possible to target Ice Pillars with a December's Curse. The point being obvious, you cast Ice Pillars and when the enemy goes around them, you cast December's Curse and blow up the Pillar and point the Splash Damage in the direction of the enemy. Is this possible? If so I think this could be a valuable weapon at keeping our guys safe.

Someone please tell me I'm right!

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