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Kirai in a Brawl


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I'm very new at Malifaux and I've currently just started on my first crew, based off Kirai

So far I have

the boxed set

1 clam of Seishin, and I'm sculpting from scratch another 2

1 clam of Gaki

A proxy for the Lost Love.

I'm already starting to think ahead to what to add next, I probably need a few more Gaki and when the Geisha Harpies come out I'm definitely going to get 1 or 2 of them.

Now when we get to Brawl sized games I'm having a bit of trouble seeing which way this crew will go. Kirai doesn't seem to have a lot of synergy with the other resurrectionists, none of her models generate corpse counters and the Gaki in fact feed off them, this is going to leave any Master starved for flesh to work with.

Part of me is wondering if it would be best to not take a second master and take Hamelin the Plagued and Nix with the extra soulstones and then beef up on the inititial spirits.

Any ideas?

Edited by Ratty
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Here's what you do.

Kirai and Nicodem, and make sure you get a datsue-ba and five canines.

No seshin to start off with. If you want to make this trick easiest, buy Hamelin the ratcatcher as a mercenary and Nix the bull terrier.

When you set up, position the canines in a ring around datsue, within 8" of Kirai, and optimally also within 6" of Nicodem. First activation, if you have Nix, use 0 Instinctual behavior on Datsue. Second activation (or first if you don't have Nix) Datsue uses harvest sinners, and you cheat down the dogs' flips. If you used Nix, maybe one survives. If you didn't, you managed to kill maybe 2 and 3 are injured severely.

Anyway, what that will boil down to is one corpse, one seishin for each dog.

Lack of synergy, you say? Consider this: Mindless zombies get up for a 0 action, are easily killable with your own attacks, and when killed produce a corpse and a seishin. That means unlimited seishin.

Also, Datsue is a great thing to have. Just her using weigh sins on your unfortunate dogs and mindless zombies is enough to summon lots of gaki or even onryo, while Nic and Kirai pump them out themselves. She can also heal kirai when she's hurt and in the spirit world.

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So I've given lists like this a couple tries, and I'm considering even replacing the whole hamelin-dog-datsue thing with sebastian (for bloody harvesting) and mortimer (for corpse digging fun). I don't remember exactly how much damage bloody harvest does, is it four? Because if it is it's perfect. And it doesn't do anything weird like make them body parts, right?

Because if you could do that, theoretically, you'd have a factory of corpses and seishin. Essentially, Mortimer would activate first and attempt to exhume, then Nicodem would make corpses into mindless zombies and if he can, summon undead critters (out of sebastian's harvesting aura) then kirai would go, burning down to one seishin (unless it was the first turn, in which case Sebastian would go before her) and targeting one of the five mindless zombies with spirit food. Then sebastian would go, turning all five mindless zombies into five corpses, four seishin and one gaki.

In this turn sequence, there's a possibility for 3 summons with Nicodem (this is theorizing that you have the absolute optimal flips and or card cheats) as well as 2 summons with Kirai plus one absorb spirit to get some extra cards, and one free gaki with Sebastian's little fun.

Per turn.

As many turns as you want.

And that's... 23 points of models. For the factory. 25 if you include lost love. If we assume that you have some other models at the start to hold off your opponent while the factory supports them...



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Can you get the Gaki creation trigger, when creating the Corpse and Seishin, or does equivalence come into it?

I believe creating a Gaki comes from a spell, trigger or another source so equivalency shouldn't come into play.

I believe the last thing stated in that wall of text was equivalency comes into play from static effects.

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Just had my first game of Malifaux. 15ss against pandora


2 Seishin

2 Onyro

It was a horrific slaughter, The only model that got killed on my side was Kirai who got WP dueled to death by Pandora, however by that point all he had Kade on 1 wound and Pandora so Ikyro Wailing screamed Kade as he ran away and then legged it straight for Pandora. Ikyro with the +2 combat from Seinshin is brutal. Altogether really enjoyed the game, and the look of horror on my opponents face the first turn where spirits were flying all over the place swapping locations. Ikyro managed a first turn kill easily.

Now all I have to do is paint tonnes of models and get more Gaki made. It's taken me almost 2 weeks to put them together and construct the bases, stupid bamboo stalks.

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Um, no, via equivalency you can only get "one summoned model from any source." So you'd choose the Gaki, obviously. I thought I'd mentioned that.

I ran a test of this army by the way. OH my god did it work well. You're getting three, four models hitting the board per turn, plus there's no reason for Kirai not to absorb a seishin every turn, so +2 cards and 2 wounds healed for her. The nastiest thing was all the onryos flying around (you get a lot of them) and their haunt abilities. My opponent, by the end of the game, had 3 models left, and they all had slow from killing an onryo (played against the Viks. Survivors were one Vik, Taelor and one Ronin. I had 54 points of models at the end of the game, and it was a 45 point brawl.)

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Well, you'll only ever need 5 seishin (they're rare five) and Shikome are rare two (a fact that I learned with sadness during my last game, when my opponent pointed out that I had to stop summoning them at some point.)

What I have for summoning with my massive list is

2 gaki (i proxy for more if I need them, but I never summon them specifically and they die fast)

6 mindless zombies (be prepared to juggle these, they rarely stay on the table a whole turn)

2 shikome (definitely. All those seishin to burn? Always have 2 on the board.)

2 onryo (though you might want another pack. They're handy)

Ikiryo (obvious. you kind of want to keep her on the board as much as you can.)

1 hanged (I started with him. He worked well.)

assorted zombies for Nicodem to summon. I wouldn't go for the flesh constructs, they sap your hand, and you need a big hand. Even with 8 cards a turn (absorbing one spirit a turn) I found myself burning every card. The rogue necro... Maybe. for demoralizing your opponent and making it clear that yeah, you can summon whatever you want and they can't do anything about it.

5 dogs. If you don't already have the models, don't bother buying them for this list, they die in the first turn. The first activation. And you're not gonna summon them.

Sebastian and Mortimer, fairly vital to the list as a whole.

And obviously, kirai and Nicodem.

So yeah, this strategy requires a ton of models to play. But if you're fielding Nicodem and Kirai, odds are you've got a pretty good summoning pool already, and pretty much everything can be proxied if you want it to be.

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Wait. TEN? That multiplies the ridiculous factor by like a million! Ten to start with, and ten beautiful corpses... That's 20 points of doggies though. Wow. Hmm.. maybe start with five, and as you said, work your way up. I'll have to tweak more to find the optimal number.

And that means... four shikome.

Four shikome... Beautiful. Beautiful.

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