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Hello from the bay area in ca.


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Just a quick introduction. I am in the California bay area and have played a few other miniature games. Every time I go to my LGS I always look at the Malifaux minatures(they look totally awesome) but always thought to myself I do not need another game to play. Well I am now under the spell and going to take the plunge, head first (hope the water is warm). The only problem is I need to wait untill tomorrow to get the core rules. Would'nt you know, I went to the LGS and they were sold out of them. Good thing is they are getting their order in tomorrow. Have not decided which faction I am going to with yet. Also a quick question. The Rising Powers book is just an expansion and does not contain the core rules so I would need both to play correct? Thanks in advance, Meatwagon

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Thank you for the info. on the 2 books. I wasn't sure if the 2nd book had included all the core rules or not. Normally I play 40k and WM at Endgame in Oaklandhttp://www.endgameoakland.com.php5-9.dfw1-1.websitetestlink.com/. I am actually going over to Black Diamond today to pick up the core rule book.I was there yesterday but they had sold out of it, he is getting an order in today though. I live just about equal distance between the two. What nights do you play over at BDG's ?

Edited by meatwagon
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Thank you for the info. on the 2 books. I wasn't sure if the 2nd book had included all the core rules or not. Normally I play 40k and WM at Endgame in Oaklandhttp://www.endgameoakland.com.php5-9.dfw1-1.websitetestlink.com/. I am actually going over to Black Diamond today to pick up the core rule book.I was there yesterday but they had sold out of it, he is getting an order in today though. I live just about equal distance between the two. What nights do you play over at BDG's ?

Well, we were playing there Tuesday nights. But a roleplaying event ended up taking over, so we need to find a new time. The owner suggested Wednesdays, but that's a hard day for me.

We'll get it worked out, but the gist is...just PM me if you ever want to meet for a game. When it's set in stone I'll let you know.

How are they doing at endgame? Do they have a set day? I live less than 5 minutes from BDG, so that's my store of choice, but I have driven out there for a game or two a while back.

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Wednesdays are no good for me either. Because of my work schedule I can only do either Mondays or Tuesdays and occasional Sundays. There is talk on the Endgame forums of getting a time set aside on one Tuesday a month for Malifaux. http://www.endgameoakland.com/forum/malifaux/malifaux-discussion/ Thay have what they call a Rally Point for lesser known/played games where they set aside a time and day and regularly schedule that game once a month. It seems to have piqued some intrest(keeping my fingers crossed). Please let me know if you guys at BDG come up with a regular time and I will get back to you with some days and times I will be available. I have been reading through the core rules and am excited to try it out. I have yet to commit to a crew but have some ideas.

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Wednesdays are no good for me either. Because of my work schedule I can only do either Mondays or Tuesdays and occasional Sundays. There is talk on the Endgame forums of getting a time set aside on one Tuesday a month for Malifaux. http://www.endgameoakland.com/forum/malifaux/malifaux-discussion/ Thay have what they call a Rally Point for lesser known/played games where they set aside a time and day and regularly schedule that game once a month. It seems to have piqued some intrest(keeping my fingers crossed). Please let me know if you guys at BDG come up with a regular time and I will get back to you with some days and times I will be available. I have been reading through the core rules and am excited to try it out. I have yet to commit to a crew but have some ideas.

Will do.

Like I said, just PM me if you want to just schedule a game with me. I have a few crews so you could try them out. Don't know what you're interested in trying, but I have:



The Victorias


...and Nicodem and McMorning not entirely assembled yet. But I could glue them down to get a game or two in. You're welcome to any of them.

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I don't want to start a new thread as this one is already here;

Hello all, I'm also new and in the Bay Area (for another week, and then I'm moving to Japan for a year for school). I had my first game today with my So'mer crew, and while I lost badly, it was a riot. I'm gonna try to play as many games as possible this upcoming week so I can learn the basics and then be able to play and teach this game for when I get to Japan.

Also... Hi XANGO!

Edited by Sebo
Removed question about Gremlins because I did my own reading on them
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Xango, well as it stands now, I am leaning towards The Resurectionists. More specificaly McMourning. Although I do plan on having other crews from some of the other factions eventually.We will see. I am about halfway through the core rules and loving it. Fluff and rules alike.

Sebo glad you had a great time playing. Good luck in Japan. I would really like to hear about how the game and miniatures in general are doing over there.

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Maybe this is just selfish, but your lack of free time means more cool stuff for us :clap:. But I have to say I am really impressed with everything you have put out. Although I have yet to play a game, just reading through the books and seeing your line of miniatures has me hooked.

Endgame is completely AWESOME! The staff are always friendly and helpfull and you just cannot beat the quality of their gaming area (tables and terrain alike). After I get some games under my belt and a better grasp of the rules I would love to join the Henchman program and start running some events/demos over at Endgame. Although one idea I have is maybe running a " Lets learn together" series for Malifaux over at Endgame. I will have to talk to them next time I go in.

Anyways, thank you to you and everyone involved for making a fantastic game.

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