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Zoraida with a shirt... 1st crew


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I recently finished my 1st Malifaux crew. Mind you, I realize I am far from the best painter, but I'm pleased with the results when you factor in that all of these were finished in about 3 days...

Zoraida... I put a shirt on her, mainly because I couldn't stand the sight of her old flapjacks just hanging out!




Bad JuJu



I'll admit, I have yet to even play my 1st game, and I have already picked up and started on a Pandora crew!

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Nice work. I'm in the process of this crew myself. So, I'm glad to see some other paint jobs to compare with....yours are better. It's been too long since I've painted anything. It's not like riding a bike. You stop for too long and you have to start from scratch. I've got all the techniques in my head. But, getting my brush to work with my head...not going so well. It's really frustrating.

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is it a tubetop or a bikini :lol:

A better shot of the shirt may be hard to really get with the bone-pin and voodoo doll mostly in the way. It is actually a GS, single-strap bikini like thing... I DID make sure to leave a bit of cleavage showing, afterall "flaunt it ya got it" and whatnot! =P

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