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Choosing a new master


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I'd like the help of the malifaux community for choosing a new master.

Currently, I have a Ramos crew, but i find his playstyle rather bland, as he rely too heavilly on summoning.

I'd like a master who has the possibility to have a lot of dirty tricks, who can use a lot of synergy, but is not straightforward to play ( a la Lillith).

So in your opinon wich master (henchman) would fit that mold the best

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A Colette box set and some Coryphees might be good for you then. Lots of crazy tricks, weird triggers, teleporting, pushing large distances, free disengages, + and - flips....I'm still trying to figure out how to actually run her correctly.

tyeah, I really like colette rules. Thing is , I<m not too fond of the look of her minions

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If you want tricks GALORE! Then Colette is right up your alley I just played my first game with her tonight and while I got clobbered pretty hard there are definitely all sorts of things to do. The thing is though that it really is the rest of her crew that is tricksy, and Colette herself more or less plays a support role. The rest of her crew however runs rampant!

No one has suggested the Viktorias yet and that makes me sad. They are a lot of fun to play as they have a HUGE damage potential and you need to use pretty much every trick in the book to take advantage of it. Otherwise they will just die. To me they are a happy medium between ultra tricky masters like Colett and Leveticus and the more straight foward masters like Lady J and Lillith. They have a learning curve on them though. You really need to master their teleportery tricks because at 7 wounds with a low defense they can't slug it out like some of the tougher masters. Still I had one butcher Killjoy in a single turn and that is no easy feat.

As a final note Seamus can be really fun to play, lure offers you all sorts of crazy opportunities to either pull Seamus out of trouble or to put enemy models into trouble. He is also a master that has a decent amount of depth while still getting his hands dirty.

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