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My Lord Chompy Bits!


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Hello all this is my first time posting up some minis of mine so I hope you all will enjoy! I paint most of my minis but Ill be the first to admit my fiance is much better than myself so I figured I'd give the reins on this one to her. She did not fail to outdo me as she always does and outshines anything I could do :rain:, All depression aside I just LOVE :love: this guy tell me what you think, Enjoy!






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Thanks guys, I just gave her the outline of the colors I wanted a few of my ideas, and she really ran with it, I do think the dreamer is getting a hands feet and face wash tomorrow. but I couldn't wait to get my new BFF on here for ya'll to see. glad your liking him. And as for calling her a Halfling, *shrugs* yea about accurate as would calling me an ogre. Love ya Haku see you at outpost this weekend, what do ya say my Chompy VS. your Pandora?

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This kinda looks like the one someone else posted up that was doing darkish colors with blue flames...unless this is the same one.... Either way, It looks cool : ) have fun playing with the coolest model in the game

Nope :D I can Gurantee you this puppy is mine, I can post a Pic of myself with it if ya like? But honestly I love this guy thanks for the positive comments! Oh and I do so intend to rock the table top with him, he hasnt failed to impress.

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Nope :D I can Gurantee you this puppy is mine, I can post a Pic of myself with it if ya like? But honestly I love this guy thanks for the positive comments! Oh and I do so intend to rock the table top with him, he hasnt failed to impress.

I'm not saying you stole the pictures, sorry. I just saw a thread earlier this month with work in progress pictures where he was making it black and had blue flames on his feet. I thought maybe you were the same person, apologies if you're not

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No, no I didnt take it to much offense, the one you saw was EricJ's if im not too mistaken myself. His has a similar Color Scheme But darker skin and a whiter light on the skin. and his can be found in the miniature showcase under the Saved post entitled https://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=13894 well there is the adress give it a shot and see if thats the one yousay before

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Thanks guys, I just gave her the outline of the colors I wanted a few of my ideas, and she really ran with it, I do think the dreamer is getting a hands feet and face wash tomorrow. but I couldn't wait to get my new BFF on here for ya'll to see. glad your liking him. And as for calling her a Halfling, *shrugs* yea about accurate as would calling me an ogre. Love ya Haku see you at outpost this weekend, what do ya say my Chompy VS. your Pandora?

I don't think that Pandora is very fond of alps. THis could become very uncomfortable for her and the kids...

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Hey Thael, I've got an electrical creation to shove up you know where when I get to phoenix!

Game on sir.

Oh, and nice paint job, can't wait to see it in person. Only a month or so to go.

Ohhh I cant wait for it! Ill give you that fight! just tell me when you get into town and itll be LCB VS Ramos!

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