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Are Gremlins Neverborn?


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You know what, I think I've got this figured out, can someone just confirm it for me?

SPOILER ALERT! (for book 1, anyways)

Ok, so when it mentioned the breach opening in Malifaux, and "death and cancer" came out of it, that was the breach with Earth right? I had taken that to mean a third breach that the Neverborn came through for some reason. But what I don't understand is where December came from now, cause I thought it was implied he was originally a human sorcerer. Was he perhaps one of the original earthsiders who came through the first breach? Or was he a Neverborn? Or perhaps something else?


So, I think that explains where I got confused. Anyways, I know you probably all read book 1 by now, but I figured better safe than sorry.

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If you read the story in the book it says (whether true or not) that Malifaux had a magical civilisation and that some of them went all evil-superpower style and brought doom. The implication would be December is one of them.

I maintain the Neverborn sisters are trying to drive humans away so history doesn't repeat.

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It is my intense and personal belief that the Gremlins are remnants of humans from maybe even before the first breach opening and after being manipulated my the energy of the SS and malifaux itself and *cough* Inbreeding *cough* they turned out to be the charming swamp folk we know and love today.

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Gongsun, I always assumed the "evil" breach to be the Kythera. Though being hush-hush about it a year after the book was released is a bit silly :D

Maybe I just wanted an excuse to write in white text :vb_tongue

But yeah, thats where I got confused, because it seemed to me like the Neverborn came out of the evil breach at first.

Maybe the gremlins were the magical civilization. Most of them got wiped out, leaving only their more "rural" neighbors. And, if thats true, maybe December is just one big powerful gremlin. :hmmmm:

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I think the Gremlins are a recently evolved creature of Malifaux. That is to say they have been their a long time, but only recently picked up more complicated tools such as guns and become more than a passing savage threat. Think cannibal tribe turned gun handling yokles.

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But yeah, thats where I got confused, because it seemed to me like the Neverborn came out of the evil breach at first.

The way I see it, they're what remains of the original people of Malifaux, the ones that opposed the, let's call them demi-gods like December. They sort of won, as they are no longer active, living beings, but they became inhuman in the process. Gremlins are either some very evolved splinter of the neverborn or maybe...well, pets that became self-aware in the process?

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It is my intense and personal belief that the Gremlins are remnants of humans from maybe even before the first breach opening and after being manipulated my the energy of the SS and malifaux itself and *cough* Inbreeding *cough* they turned out to be the charming swamp folk we know and love today.

I think the Gremlins are a recently evolved creature of Malifaux. That is to say they have been their a long time, but only recently picked up more complicated tools such as guns and become more than a passing savage threat. Think cannibal tribe turned gun handling yokles.

I think both of these are true to an extent.

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I cant really remember what page but in the fluff, but they mention that gremlins are neverborn.

which basically just means that they are natives to Malifaux and not that they are nightmare creatures like lillith and co..

well while I think nephilim, woes etc. are definitely nightmare creatures I think the neverborn masters are indeed just remnants of the original malifaux natives... pretty much like the guild is doing they turned to what they are fighting to fight it.. to a point of complete corruption. (so nephilim for example are the neverborn's variant of mechanical constructs/witchling stalkers etc.)

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