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My first Malifaux Minis!


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UPDATE! Lots of new stuff being added today (4/21/2011). Enjoy!


OK, so the guys at my LGS just got me into this about 2 months ago. I'm a relative noob when it comes to painting, so I really took my time learning a lot of things as I've worked on these. I'm going to post them in order of completion, and it's kind of neat, because you can see how I improved, got better brushes/paints, etc.

So, I decided to start with the Viktorias box set, as I really liked the look of the pieces. I had no idea how to play the game at that point, haha. So, naturally, I wanted to dive right in, and I started with Viktoria first. Here's how she turned out.


I next decided to dive in even deeper and move onto the other Vik, which was probably not the wisest move, but I had fun working on all the small details


Somewhat simultaneously, I was slowly working on Taelor and Bishop. I got a tad excited around this time, as I finally picked up a spray can of satin clear coat, and I immediately coated both Viks and Taelor. The problem was, not only did I put a bit too much clear coat on Taelor, but I had forgotten to do the wash on her first. So, I tried to remove some of the clear coat, and then do some washes, and then re-do the clear coat. She ended up coming out OK.


Bishop was next. I tried experimenting a bit with some blended colors for his hair. :) After doing the mix of yellow/orange/red, I also added a red wash on top. Funny thing, the wash got onto his face a bit. I decided to leave it, as I kind of liked the the angry look it gave him, lol. ;)


Johan was next, and the last for my box set. I told my buddies when I was buying him that his sculpt kept reminding me Dr. Doom, and that I'd have a tough time not wanting to do him in green/silver. So, I thought...how could I do something fluff wise to make that work? Well, his hammer is a magic relic, right? What if it somehow started to infect Johan? So you can see the tendrils of silver/bronze starting to creep across Johan, slowly threatening to take over him. And it makes him look a bit like Dr. Doom, lol. I had also picked up a Flame Accessories set around this time, and decided to try that out, and made it look like the arachnid on his base was on fire. :)


After a game against a buddy playing Lady Justice and a bunch of other ranged attackers, I decided it was time to pick up a shooter for my squad, and a Totem as well. So next I added Hans and chose to use more of my flame accessories. With both Johan and Hans I've been learning to do shading and lighting effects. The wash on Hans ended up darker than I wanted, but just make it look like he just got done laying in the dirt for days sniping somebody. :P


My SoC is pretty straight forward. I made his goggles the same as Hans for some connection there.


So, here's the whole crew. I think it's fun that it's exactly 35 SS. I went with the unified green sludge theme for the sewer bases, like toxic waste, and then made sense for the green toxic flames on Hans/Johan. I'm quite happy how they turned out, especially for the very first metal minis I've ever worked on.


So I've got a Collette box set and Lord Chompy Bits on the way, and am quite likely to pick up Ramos and Hoffman down the road. Addiction has begun. :D


I broke down and caved in to everyone's recommendations, and picked up a set of Ronins to play with. At first I was REALLY impressed until I saw there was Errata to make their Run Through ability actually cost 2 APs instead of 1, but then I was still very impressed after playing with them. So, naturally, I had to get them painted up ASAP. I still have to figure out proper bases to put them on, but I was excited about how good the paint jobs came out, that I just had to get them posted.

I tried a new technique this time around: blood splatter! It worked pretty good I think, but did make a mess, haha.

So, I present to you my Ronin Deadly Viper Assassination squad. :P:

California Mountain Snake, aka Elle Driver (complete with eye patch):


Copperhead, aka Vernita Green (no blood splatter on her...she's got a kid to care for!)


And last, but most certainly not least, Black Mamba, aka Beatrix Kiddo:


And for good measure, a link to my separate thread for Lord Chompy Bits: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14794

(all images can be clicked to see larger views)

Edited by LoboStele
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I'm no not a Vik expert but, you really should be running ronins and a largish cache.

Yeah, I've figured that out from reading around the forums here and such. This is just all I've picked up so far. Initially I was buying things more from the "Ooh, that looks cool" perspective, rather than they "hey, that makes a better crew to play with" view.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Really nice work.. Where did you get the bases?

All of the bases for my Outcasts are the Wyrd Sewer bases, plus one Flame Base for Hans. i've got some bases from Micro Arts Studios coming in for the Ronin and the various other things I'm working on right now.

I have Colette's box set all painted up, but they are just hot-glued into 30mm plastic bases right now, waiting for the MAS bases to arrive. Once I get those, then I'll post pics. Wanted to wait till the were fully done.

Also have a Ramos box set waiting to be painted/assembled, but I've gotten distracted this last week or so with building terrain. Guess I'll have to start a new thread on that one soon. :)

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  • 2 months later...

I finished my Colette box set a few weeks ago, once I finally got the bases I wanted for them. But then, I was sort of thinking about trying to submit Colette for the Wyrd Painting Contest. That didn't end up happening for me, but then I decided to wait till my Theater terrain was finished so I could take pictures of them on the stage. ;)

So, terrain is finished....now need to take photos! There's a few pics of them in my terrain thread (http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15783), but I'll get some good individual close-ups to post in this thread later this week.

I still have Ramos to work on (crew is almost all based now, just have to base Ramos and the spare Spider Swarm I just bought last week), then decide what my paint scheme is going to look like. And I have a Dreamer crew on order that should get some attention later this month, which will be nice, 'cuz then I can finally use my Nightmare LCB! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woo hoo! FINALLY getting around to posting my Showgirls. These have actually been done for almost 2 months now, but just been really busy. Originally I had been thinking about trying to submit Colette for one of the Halloween painting contest categories, but again, got busy and didn't get pictures taken soon enough.

All of these photos were done using the stage for my Theater terrain as the backdrop. I know some of the pics are blurry, which is irritating me. It's a freaking nice awesome camera, but I haven't learned how to use it fully, and I think the colorful backdrop was messing things up a bit. May go back later and re-take some photos with better lighting/backdrop.


Mannequins first! (and click images for larger pics ;) )


Now Performers!


And here are the Coryphees. The bases are magnetized. The yellow one has some slight issues standing if she gets bumped, but once she's set down, she works great. And the magnets are just strong enough that I can pick them up by the model and the bases follow along, so they work real nicely.




Here are the Doves that I sculpted up with green stuff till the real models are released:


And....Cassandra! I had a lot of fun doing the shading on her dress and the orange stripes. I'm VERY happy with how she turned out.


Last, but certainly not least....Colette, herself! I wanted to do something special with her, which is part of why it took me like a full month to get these based and painted. Since she's a magician, she should be doing magic tricks while on stage, right? ;) And yes, the subtle HHGTG reference is a reminder for the volunteer/victim's sake that Colette's magic tricks and disappearing acts are completely harmless...well, most of the time.


So, here's the whole crew together, performing on stage!




For more pictures of my Theater terrain, go to this thread: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15783

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EDIT: Sorry, somewhere along the line my links got screwed up. You can view my Ramos pieces here instead. I'll re-post all the Dreamer stuff at a later date when I get around to finishing that crew.

And some more pics....First, a teaser of my Ramos. He's just about finished. Still have a bit of base work to do and some clear coating. He's been modified though, with some inspiration from another fan of 8-legged creations.... :cool:


I've got all my spider swarms about done as well, so will need to post those soon. Haven't started on the Steamborg at all though, besides gluing him together and putting him on the base...MAN was that frustrating!

I picked up the Dreamer's crew this weekend, as our LGS was doing an 'Army in a Weekend' event. The LGS was open for 24 hours a day from mid-day Friday through Sunday evening. We got a discount on product as long as we ordered and paid in advance, so I used the opportunity to pick up the pieces I needed in order to actually play with my Nightmare Edition LCB.

So, here's the progress I made on those this weekend:


I've got a custom base idea I'm working on for Chompy, so he's only glued, green stuffed, and primed right now.


Chompy taking swimming lessons! tongue2.gif

I did manage to get the daydreams mostly finished this weekend. I made some balloons out of pinning wire and green stuff though, so I still gotta paint those up and add them.


Bases are the 'Ruined Temple Bases' from Micro Arts Studios. I really like them, and I think the purple glowing effect of the runes is going to turn out real nice.

Edited by LoboStele
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Very nice what I love is that with each submision you can see an improvment with how you are painting your figures as you progress though each crew. I really like the magic box with Cloette and that you took the time to knock up a theater. Great developmet all around and looking foward to seeing what you do next

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Very nice what I love is that with each submision you can see an improvment with how you are painting your figures as you progress though each crew. I really like the magic box with Cloette and that you took the time to knock up a theater. Great developmet all around and looking foward to seeing what you do next

Yeah, it's cool, I'm really seeing that development in myself as well. Like I really started figuring out how to properly do shading in the folds of clothes and such on the showgirls, and so when I went to do Ramos' cloak, I knew exactly what I needed to do there.

I got a Dreamer crew a few weeks ago that is in process, and my wife bought me a Rasputina box set for Christmas, so I've got plenty to work on!

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