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Lillith's Brood with a Druidic twist.

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I decided to play up the nature aspect of neverborn while downplaying the demonic aspects.

Took new better pictures also added Zoraida, coming soon Waldgeists!

Oh the group picture has a malifaux deck and blood counters in the shot because it's going on my henchman application.




All the Nephalim's hair is painted green with flock glued on top. I glued the young's wings onto the tot's and gave the young wings from a reaper fairy wings pack(tot wings broke off and got lost ordered some bits from reaper that will look better than my origionals) the weapons also came from a reaper pack. The tree stumps came from a model train shop.

All the nephalim have three washes a green followed by two browns. The tots have a flesh base, the mature a combination of spacewolf grey and mithril silver and the young are halfway in between.


I glued her arm so that her sword is held in a more casual manner. I felt this fit better with the way she's twirling her hair.


Also I gave her wings to make her fit in with her Nephalim better.


Sorry my Zoraida pick kinda sucks, my camera is shit and the only reasons the rest of the picks are as good as they are is because I played around with the lighting alot and she's so dark I couldn't get it right.

Her skirt is the same color as Lillith's jacket and her skin is the same as the Mature Nephalim's with a touch of black added to the base coat.

Edited by Hand_of_Vecna
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I really like what I can see. If you have a macro mode that would help. I think part of the problem is that your taking your pictures with so much in the back ground, try using a couple of sheets of paper as your background. Thier are some really good tutorials online of how to take pictures of miniatures.

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