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Hacienda and Sewer Custom Tables


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Hey everybody!

We've been using these tables for games at the local for a few months now, and I finally got some decent pics of them.

The girlfriend and I cranked these out when the store started carrying Malifaux earlier this year so we had demo tables ready to go, and they've been catching spilt (miniature) blood ever since.

First we have the 'Hacienda'; my first inspiration for the game was the western aspect, and I loved the idea of a hold-out at a lonely ranch house:




There's a main room with a long hallway that Teddy fills up completely and looks awesome standing at the end of, a study, a kitchen, a dining room, and a room for dark magics gone awry (in which I like to imagine a foolhardy dabbler in foul powers summoned himself Killjoy and didn't have any payment other than his hide!)

There's even a mirror for the ladies to check their makeup!


The other main inspiration I loved was the idea of the sewers as a underground avenue for all sorts of illicit trades and transactions, and I really like the art from the book with the crumbling, yellow stone walls lit with sputtering torches and eyes staring out from the dark. The original conception of this table was to have all the pathways be actual pipes, but that proved to be more of a project than we could accomplish in the weekend we had to get these done, so stone walls it is:





They both ended up being very challenging tables to play on; the design philosophy was to block LOS as much as possible so that crews would have to get in close and mix things up (and that guns didn't run the boards!), and the closed-off nature lends itself to the theme of the game pretty well.

Both of them have detail work I'm twitchy about having unfinished: portraits to hang on the walls of the Hacienda, scattered papers to have strewn across the floor of the study, chunkier gore in the summoning room; and little candles and random detritus in the sewers. Alas, lack of time.

Anyway, I hope you like them, and if you're ever in the L.A. area in Southern Cal, come down to Game Empire in Pasadena and try them out!


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Wow, nice boards! I have always found that skirmish gaming lends itself to more creative terrain and scenery. It's nice to only need a small number of miniatures in order to play, as it really allows one to spend less time painting and more time making terrain and playing.

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