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Ghost town/mining Town


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After seeing so many nice boards and cool terrain on here and feeling inspired I have decided to throw my hat into the ring with this. The idea was a mining community who had felt the touch of December and abandoned their prospects.

This is all work in progress and i have many things i need to touch up. This the first of 8 planned 1 x 1 sections. I have never done anything modular before but the amazing work by Kaine made me want to have a go.

The task we have set ourselves for this board is to spend no money and basically scrounge the bits we use. The only thing were going to buy are things like glue, flock, paint and a set of GW tree's as I suck at making tree's. Anyway here is the first section... the abandoned weighbridge. All C + C are welcome.



Coal Storage Pits Detail




Weighbridge and Office


hope you like it

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really like this idea, I'd do something like it myself but I've nearly filled up my garage and study and attic with terrain so it's not possible at the moment

unless I build an extension ;)

anyway, it's looking really good so keep us updated


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So I was wondering are the coal pits sorta like basement's for once existing structures. Or are they just pits. because if they were once existing structures I would add maybe some lantern posts that are still lighted to give it the creepy effect of "what happened to the buildings?"

Otherwise Kudos it looks very nice.

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So I was wondering are the coal pits sorta like basement's for once existing structures. Or are they just pits. because if they were once existing structures I would add maybe some lantern posts that are still lighted to give it the creepy effect of "what happened to the buildings?"

Otherwise Kudos it looks very nice.

Thanks very much. I was going with the idea that carts leaving the settlement would be loaded from the open pits and then weighed and sent on their way. I'm planning on doing some workers housing and i hadn't thought about lighting but now i will definatley put some in. Try and give the place a 'Mary Celeste' feel.

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I've never seen something like this, but is their more LOS pieces being planned for it? It'd be very open for our games, though it looks beautiful. :P

Thanks for the compliment. This is meant to represent an entrance way to the area so i wanted to have an open 'killing ground' if you will. The next areas i plan to contain more buildings (housing and industrial) and cover (rocks and tree's). Im toying with the idea of an open mine shaft any thoughts?

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I'm not familiar with this sort of operation, but wouldn't there be a machine to break down large® chunks of coal? I'm sure those would be close to the mine if so.

Mine carts are always fun as well and certainly impart a western feel. A string of them (possibly a few overturned?) might make for a nice little bit of scenery.

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You know what you wanna look at for creepy ghost towns have you ever seen the movie Phantoms. Yes the town was more modern but what you could do is as i said homes with street lanterns burning in front of them, but no lights on inside is one idea. Another is to put a few things completely out of place like say children's toys in the center of the town or something creepy.

Also another person to read for creepyness is of course Lovecraft. He made some creepy towns.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right time for an update (pic heavy). Ive been really busy the last couple of weeks, but i have managed to put in a little time here and there on my Malifaux stuff.

The board is coming on well. Another section is nearly complete, all i have to do is finish the snow and detail and weather the building. Another is under construction, but ive run out of coffee stirers so i need to pay a visit to Starbucks today.

So this is the Furnace section


Furnace detail


I'll put some more detailed shots up when its done. Ive also finished a couple of models, one of mine (Bishop) and one for a friend (Witchling) who has kindly asked me to paint them for him. I hope you like them. As always all C + C welcome. Cheers guys.





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Love the furance....nos did you build it or was it a kit or prefab?

Glad you like it, me and a mate built it from scratch using odds and ends. Mostly card and random wood and plastic, i may have some wip shots somewhere. We scaled it back a bit and added the rungs so its a potential snipers nest, but with no cover to even things out.

VERY COOL! For some reason the Theme Music for The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly started playing somewhere in the background of my mind as I was looking at the photos. WELL DONE! :fing02:

Awesome, my favourite movie of all time. Maybe it’s subconsciously affected all my painting these years, may explain alot.

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Ok this section is now completely done. here are some more detailed pics of the board. The next area is coming on well going for living quarters and office area. All C + C welcome.


Overall view


Furnace building


Just Another view


The stoke


View of the ladder and boiler


The boiler and the rakeout for the furnace


Roof details


and finally the chimney detail

What are you using to make the bases of the board? I've been wanting to do a modular one but I'm stuck on what to use for the base of it all.

I have used 2 inch thick styrofoam as its easy to cut into. You just have to make sure every blue part is primed before you spray it as the solvent will melt it and ruin any sculpting you've done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

i thought i'd add a progress picture of the next section. Its taken a while to accumulate all the coffee sticks. Ive finished the main structure of the buildings and forming a water hole.


I still intend to add a gangway between the two buildings, a small lift for moving provisions around and a small footbridge over the water hole.

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