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Pandora - Bringer of Woe


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I'm new to the game and just bought the Malifaux book. We were looking at expanding our current 2 crew to 4 for our gaming group and Pandora came up. People like her avatar form better (so do I) but i can find the rules Pandora - Bringer of Woe (Avatar Form). Is there an update? or can you use either models for the basic rules?

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thx for the responce, Can we still use her for a stand in for normal pandora? her base sized is 10mm bigger? Not sure how critical that is yet.

Also our group of 4 cant seem to under stand the last sentce int he pacify/incite efftec "If this model wins a WP duel, it may choose to take the pacify action again this activation"?

Does this model mean Pandora/Kade/Candy? SO if they win the duel the can pacify someone else? I thought the errata says you can cast a spell more than once as long as you have the AP for it?

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thx for the responce, Can we still use her for a stand in for normal pandora? her base sized is 10mm bigger? Not sure how critical that is yet.

Base sizes will matter for counters dropped and how large you are. If the people you play with don't care, I wouldn't care.

Also our group of 4 cant seem to under stand the last sentce int he pacify/incite efftec "If this model wins a WP duel, it may choose to take the pacify action again this activation"?

Does this model mean Pandora/Kade/Candy? SO if they win the duel the can pacify someone else? I thought the errata says you can cast a spell more than once as long as you have the AP for it?

So you can only ever take one (0) action a turn. Since Incite and Pacify are (0) actions, you can only cast them once per turn, just like any other (0). Just to repeat: you can only ever take one (0) action a turn.

Incite/Pacify have, in their language, the wording that if you're successful, you may cast it again (specific > general in terms of rules). What this means is that you can cast these spells again even though they are (0) actions.

In summary, Incite and Pacify have specific rules that allow you to cast them until you a) run out of targets that haven't already been hit with it or B) fail the duel. If neither of those things are the case, you can keep casting them. This is in contrast to the general rule that you can only take one (0) a turn.

Does that clear it up?

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@Lucidicide: Very much and very clear thank you :D

I knew about the only 1 (0) action a turn but it never clued into the rule to bypass that restriction within set limits.

Thx again. Rules are easy but SO many abilities and triggers and so much errata lol (hey atleast Wyrd clears things up...I'm started gaming years ago with GW who doesnt really care a fig about fixing stuff much).

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Just wanted to point out that Incite/Pacify are not spells, as the word has been thrown around a bit in this thread without that clarification. As such you don't get to activate any Ca triggers, friendly targets can't choose to auto-fail the duel, and the duel acts more like a combat duel than a Casting duel (you both flip starting totals simultaneously, and the loser cheats/soulstones first).

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Just wanted to point out that Incite/Pacify are not spells, as the word has been thrown around a bit in this thread without that clarification. As such you don't get to activate any Ca triggers, friendly targets can't choose to auto-fail the duel, and the duel acts more like a combat duel than a Casting duel (you both flip starting totals simultaneously, and the loser cheats/soulstones first).

True story. Thanks for using more precise language :)

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Just wanted to point out that Incite/Pacify are not spells, as the word has been thrown around a bit in this thread without that clarification. As such you don't get to activate any Ca triggers, friendly targets can't choose to auto-fail the duel, and the duel acts more like a combat duel than a Casting duel (you both flip starting totals simultaneously, and the loser cheats/soulstones first).

Yes and the other cool thing is, unless I have missed it in Errata or read something wrong, Fading memory works with this as well.... so you can chain it around, that is correct yes?

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Yes and the other cool thing is, unless I have missed it in Errata or read something wrong, Fading memory works with this as well.... so you can chain it around, that is correct yes?

Yes. However it's worthy to note that casting spells (ie. Dementia, Project Emotions and stuff) with Pandora do NOT trigger Fading Memory since that is a Ca-duel for the caster.

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I do have a quick queston while on this subject. Pacify/Incite state that the target model activates last/first depending on what is cast. But what if two or more models have Pacify/Incite acitive on them? Who would go first/last in that instance? Does anyone know?

The controller models that are affected would get to choose the order they would activate in.

Edited by WEiRD sKeTCH
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That's all right; I'm still obtuse to what actually constitutes a Wp duel (do Resist duels count?) This is for the sake of Emotional Trauma by the way.

Anything that is based on the Wp characteristic. So a Wp->X static duel, a Ca->Wp spell for the target, a duel to see if you can hit Pandora, a Moral Check etc.

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Anything that is based on the Wp characteristic. So a Wp->X static duel, a Ca->Wp spell for the target, a duel to see if you can hit Pandora, a Morale Check etc.

Aha, thank you. I was wondering because I saw that emotional trauma (and emotional stress on the Sorrows) activated whenever an opposing model loses a Wp duel.

So, if I have Candy deployed and use her wail on an opponent, and they lose the Wp flip (Since Candy's Wail is Cb-> Wp) They will take the wail dg plus Emotional Trauma. Right?

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Aha, thank you. I was wondering because I saw that emotional trauma (and emotional stress on the Sorrows) activated whenever an opposing model loses a Wp duel.

So, if I have Candy deployed and use her wail on an opponent, and they lose the Wp flip (Since Candy's Wail is Cb-> Wp) They will take the wail dg plus Emotional Trauma. Right?

Right. 1 separate point for each Sorrow and Pandy in range to use Emotional Stress/Trauma.

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