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Malifaux RPG a possibility?

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Give a whole new meaning to cheat fate or lose your soul

Cheat Fate...Or Bribe him with Mountain Dew...:smugpuppet1

For simpler purposes, you could have players as one deck, GM as another... where instead of each player drawing a hand, they get 1 Fate card...

(so a team of 5 would have a full hand)... and create a series of abilities to allow extra cards, or playing cards for other PCs...

I don't actually think that works as well as allowing each player to control their own deck...also it throws off how likely players are going to be able to hit their targets through normal flipping.

The solution I think works best is allowing each player their own deck and allowing them to take an (all) action called Refresh during combat. Refresh represents the PC taking a moment to catch their breath (Though it could also be called Untangle Fate and represents them doing something similar on a metaphysical level. It doesn't really matter). That allows the PCs to do the following actions in the following order: Shuffle their Discard into their Deck, Discard unwanted cards from their hand, Draw up to their hand size. Otherwise PCs only shuffle when they run out of cards in their deck and don't draw new cards unless a specific ability allows them to.

Also, Refresh can only be taken in Combat, so during non-combat situations you can't just build your hand.

the bonus here is, your monster manual is the tabletop book,

1:1...no questions of how it would convert... instead just showing that those involved in these conflicts are notably more powerful than the average people...

if you figure a Guild Guard is "heroic" compared to the average citizen, then that makes 3s across the table your standard starting adventurer...

I came to a similar conclusion as you, though I didn't do a straight 'Use the TT Stats' conversion. I feel like the system would need to have more to it to allow for investigative and social RP situations. In that vein I believe there should be skills and traits similar to 7th sea / White Wolf. Traits and skills are rated 1 to 5 and a Skill + Trait gives you a flip modifier.

For Example, a Guild Guard has a CB of 4 with his pistol and 6 with his sword. This could represent a Guard with a Finesse of 2 plus a Gun Slingin' of 2 and a Brawn of 3 plus a Sword Fightin' of 3. Similarly Perdita's DF 8 could be Finesse of 4 and a Dodge of 4. In all of these cases, it's not necessarily half and half, Perdita could easily be Finesse 5 and have lower skills...or maybe be more skilled and have less finesse, but the net result is the same.

The point would be that the PCs would have traits that form a baseline of what they're capable of with skills to augment those traits for everything from shooting neverborn to researching tomes to casting spells to cooking (Maybe).

EXP could be as simple as:

The Attribute x 2 in points to raise it 1 level.

(10) points to buy a new abilitiy

(20-Casting Cost) for spells

and special actions would need some analysis to work out...

In this respect you and I are thinking along similar lines. Not exactly the same, but Similar.

create "Ability Chains"/Requirements to get certain powers....

make qualifiers (like Guid Guard or Spirit) RP dependent stuff...

Pre reqs and RP dependent traits are what I was thinking too

spells could further be filtered by Caster types (Arcanist, Neverborn, Guild, Ressurectionist)... etc... although this would start putting limits in...

however, it would also give you the ability to buy Suits and Triggers...

This is where you and I disagree I think. I don't believe that spells should be dependant on faction. Each faction ought to have a particular form of magic it specializes in, (Say, Necromancy for Ressers, Sorcery for Arcanists, Thaumaturgy for Neverborn, ect.) but I think the practice of such magic should work independently of faction membership. It's not unheard of for mages in malifaux to simply be people and not be an Arcanist, or a fledgling Necromancer to not formally be part of the Ressers (heck, Leveticus is one of the more powerful Necromancers out there and he's an outcast)

perhaps dedicated archtypes are the only ones who can access suits without the Adaptive Fighter ability?

I think every PC should be able to buy suits for their traits, but they should be limited to one suit per trait and buying different suits beyond the first should get more expensive (Ie, if you buy Rams on your Brawn, and you want Crows on your Intellect, it's twice as expensive. If you then want Masks on your Charm it'd be 4 times as expensive).

Buying a second suit (Dual Focus) should be one of the more expensive purchases in the game, as should Adaptive Fighter...but should the PCs want to walk that path, it should be available to them.

On the note of Abilities, spells, and other such wonderful things, I have a question for the Community.

Is anyone here familiar with the Black Crusade system for advancement and how would people feel if I adapted that style of growth if I were to homebrew an RPG?

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Cheat Fate...Or Bribe him with Mountain Dew...:smugpuppet1

works double over here, dew is hard to get hold of

Cheat Fate...Or Bribe him with Mountain Dew...:smugpuppet1

I don't actually think that works as well as allowing each player to control their own deck...also it throws off how likely players are going to be able to hit their targets through normal flipping.

The solution I think works best is allowing each player their own deck and allowing them to take an (all) action called Refresh during combat. Refresh represents the PC taking a moment to catch their breath (Though it could also be called Untangle Fate and represents them doing something similar on a metaphysical level. It doesn't really matter). That allows the PCs to do the following actions in the following order: Shuffle their Discard into their Deck, Discard unwanted cards from their hand, Draw up to their hand size. Otherwise PCs only shuffle when they run out of cards in their deck and don't draw new cards unless a specific ability allows them to.

Also, Refresh can only be taken in Combat, so during non-combat situations you can't just build your hand.

I think the best option is to work on the card drawing from puppets wars, so that in combat you draw a new hand after every X many turns. Skills could be included that let you refresh more or less often. Out of combat I would say refresh after ever rest your character takes

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On the note of Factions, I think it's best rather than be connected to a single faction, have the ability to take skills to be connected to any and any number of each of the Sub factions (6 guild 5 for each of the others makes 26 subfactions, then add ten thunders and that's 27)

And races?

Human, construct, undead, soulless, Nephilim Woe nightmare and Ortaga?

And I forgot spirit

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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As far as factions and Races go...

I see Faction as a Roleplaying Choice. Sort of like how you can take the Star Wars RPG and play a game where everyone is a Storm Trooper because mechanically they're the same as the Rebels...they just have better equipment. Now, being aligned to a specific wind of magic? That's something I want to play with. Have people who align themselves with the Brutal Wind be able to get off their Critical Strikes more often, while those aligned with the Mysterious Wind can pull off some seriously Neverbornish tricks.

Being able to play as Constructs, Undead, ect. should be an option, but I don't think they need to be called races. To me Races calls up a lot of D&D sort of mechanics that I think run counter to the way the game should run...

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  • 3 months later...

So I started getting work in on it. I've decided the best way to approach combat triggers like enchantments on weapons. Skills level from 1-5, and at level 5 are able to have triggers purchased for them via character development points. Soulstones are hard to come by, as they should be, so players won't be masters. They will progress towards it. GMs are called Governors. I'm working on the stat line now. No neverborn, No gremlin yet. But it is possible through character build and storytelling to be any of the other factions, though the base game assumes outcasts so that you can have a resser next to an arcanist and so on.

I have another 8 hour trip back on Sunday, and I will try to flesh out character creation and post the work I have. Remember, if we are asked to lose the files for any reason. Please respect Wyrd and the game we love so much.

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  • 1 month later...

Late to the party, but since I just saw the recent job posts, it got me thinking.

I hope this is going to happen. This would be so much fun to design. If I were doing it, I would start with the core values that make Malifaux unique.

1) A very colorful, unique and story driven game world.

2) Really interesting characters and factions. Character development should capture this.

3) A card mechanic for conflict and skill resolution. If you would have suggested using a deck of cards for a miniature game years ago, the industry would have raised an eyebrow. Yet Wyrd pulled it off, and its critical to making any Malifaux IP feel like Malifaux in my opinion.

So much could be done with this setting, it has great potential...

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Was only a matter of time...



Aye, I home brewed some rules (which was pretty easy really using the minigames mechanic) about 6 months ago or so. We had a fun campaign going for around 3 months; then a group member got deployed to the big sandbox again, and another had to move back west to help out aging parents.

We was having a ball and thats with winging the lore, overall plots, and such. I can only imagine what a professional will be able to do with access to the "behind the scenes" information.

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  • 6 months later...

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