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Perdita ortega list, not sure where to start


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So I am getting into the Guild and I got Perdita ortega boxset, I am also getting the witch hunters starter as well. Now im trying the think of what lists to try out

For 20SS

Perdita ortega +2

Nino ortega -7

Guild Guard -4

Guild Guard -4

Guild Guard -4


Perdita ortega +2

Nino ortega -7

Santiago ortega -7

Francisco ortega -5

At 25ss

Perdita ortega +2

Nino ortega -7

Santiago ortega -7

Samael Hopkins -8


Perdita ortega +2

Nino ortega -7

Papa Loco -6

Guild Guard -4

Guild Guard -4

Guild Guard -4

Im not sure about the lists, Any subjestions on what a Perdita list should have?

I am also looking for a good Sonnia list, I have yet to ponder her list.

Thanks for any help,


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Well, I wouldn't suggest you try playing Ortega 20SS lists for a start - if you get a Strategy like Reconnoitre and lose just one model, you can only get 2VP; lose a second and you cannot complete your Strategy at all.

I realise that the standard Ortega crew is likely to be small anyway, but if you play 25SS+ at least you have a fighting chance at all the Strategies (IMHO).

Now, onto list advice. The basic 5-person boxed set crew is a *very* efficient all-rounder, although you might consider swapping out either Santiago or Papa Loco for the Convict Gunslinger against certain opponents (eg, Papa against a Pandora or Zorida crew is pretty much just writing Papa off as a useful model).

Next up, consider Perdita's Totem, the Enslaved Nephilim. For 2SS, you get an extra Obey. You need a high hard to pull it off (10+), but it can be any suit and can use SS if you want as well.

If you Obey your own crew with the minimum card value and cheat the resist flip down, you are effectively giving a crew member Fast (I like doing this with Nino to get him into position for his turn so that he can use In My Sights and get 2+ shots off, or with Papa to charge or otherwise move towards the enemy in order to blow himself up more efficiently).

Alternatively, you can throw fluffy forces out of the window and go with other in-faction models that can give you more variety. Adding a Witchling Stalker, a Death Marshal and Samael Hopkins in exchange for dropping Papa Loco and Santiago in a 30-35SS game for example (I think that works points-wise?). Or add a Peacekeeper and some Austringers. Or if you want a second Merc, consider Hamelin for a crew total of 3 Obeys!

Sticking with the models that come in the box, swapping Santiago out for Samael Hopkins in a 30SS game gives Perdita a 6SS Cache (which is brutal damage-wise!) and is very worthwhile. Or swapping Papa Loco out for Samael again at 30SS gives Perdita a 4SS Cache.

If you are patient though, it was confirmed a while back that there would be more fluffy goodness for the Ortegas in the next book (which is out in August?).

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Remeber you draft your crew after finding out Strategies so a set list isn't always the best way to play Malifaux.

That being said I am not a fan of the Guild Guards. The Death Marshals are a much better deal for the points imho.

Also I am assuming you have checked the errata already and notice that the Guild Guards should not have the family trait. Which might be why you are taking them.

As far as general Perdiata lists go. I like to take Santiago and Nino for medium and Long range support. And then I like to take Fransisco and the Enslaved Neph. My usual strategy is to obey the hell out of Fransico to get him in ideal position to flurry on his activation.

Of course that is for a more Assassinate or Slaughter strategy. For Reconnoitor or treasure hunt I might mix it up with some faster units(or more units). Remember most Ortegas almost double smaller units. In some strategies its better just to have 2 weaker guys.

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I have someone at my gaming group that plays a nasty Justice list but has been contemplating switching Justice with Perdita, at 30 SS he brings:

Master (which at your point would be Perdita)

Totem (Enslaved Niphilim)





granted he plays with 2 and now I get to call him a cheater for contently going over by 1 SS. The Austinger gives you the option of activating everyone in one turn, which is useful from range.

Also if your looking for a decent starting out Sonnia list I put one together that has been working quite nicely. granted it only works at the 25-30 SS level but you should be able to handle that :-)

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The list I was looking at is 30ss

Perdita +2ss

Hamelin -10ss

Primordial Magic 3ss

Nino 7ss

Guild guards -4ss

Guild guard -4ss

The idea is to cast Obey a lot and use the guild guards as a screening unit using halt, armor 1 and cordon to its best protection abilities.

Hamelin and the Totem become the obey casting duo, The Primordial Magic totem is perfect for this, because it has CA 5:tomes:masks.(The highest any totem can have with the right suite) and it allows you to draw an extra card each turn to increases your ability to Cheat fate.

The other list I was looking at is this

Perdita +2ss

Enslaved Nephilim-2ss

Nino 7ss


Guild guards -4ss

Guild guard -4ss

Guild guard -4ss

The Enslaved Nephilim is weaker in every way it has one less CA and it has no useful abilities. In fact I can see it being targeted and killed via ranged weapons and having it wound one of my own guys. The big advantage is that I have more stands in the 2nd list. I lose one obey cast and I lose an extra card from my hand.

Witching stalkers could easily be taken instead of the guild guards if I feel that they would be more useful.

So what do you guys think of the list ideas?

Edited by TimeLapse
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Don't have the book in front of me. Does the Primodorial Magic have a built in Mask suit?

Personally I stay away from spending 3 points for any totem since they tend to die rather quickly.

I'm not a big fan of the Guild Guards myself either, I just think there are better models out there for the cost(at least Guild Models). Also like I said before crew building is very much dependent on the strategy you are playing.

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Don't have the book in front of me. Does the Primodorial Magic have a built in Mask suit?

Personally I stay away from spending 3 points for any totem since they tend to die rather quickly.

I'm not a big fan of the Guild Guards myself either, I just think there are better models out there for the cost(at least Guild Models). Also like I said before crew building is very much dependent on the strategy you are playing.

opps it has 5:tomes:masks. so it is a vary useful totem and a spirit

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Based on the abilities of the guild guard I can't see using more then two. Most likely one will do the job you need them two. If you need a unit to take a hit then the guild has faster and higher wound units to do this. (wish we had a healer) However, with one you will still have a cordon, halt, option, while being able to tune your list with the other eight points.

Conversely, if you went with four guild guards you could use patrol to activate the other three. Which is a lot of pain heading someones way. I am not going to even go into austringers worked into this as that would turn into a overly long post.

The Ortega are a scary crew when they all companion up and blast away. So you can build on that to be pretty scary. With that in mind I don't know that I would go with the hamlin option. For the points you have so many other painful tricks you can pull off.

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  • 1 month later...

I use the following for obeyliciousness...and I've lost 4 games out of over 50.


Papa Loco


Primordial Magic

Convict Gunslinger (or Ronin)

and 3 Soulstones

I try to get Papa Loco into the other side and blow him to hell and back...or...Pipers Lure someone off the board in the first round using the 3 obeys, and 2 pipers Lures at my disposal.

I use it constantly and it's almost a no brainer. You need very mediocre cards (as long as you aren't attacking a Master) and you can get masters easy enough if you eat through their soulstone pool early.

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I use the following for obeyliciousness...and I've lost 4 games out of over 50.


Papa Loco


Primordial Magic

Convict Gunslinger (or Ronin)

and 3 Soulstones

I try to get Papa Loco into the other side and blow him to hell and back...or...Pipers Lure someone off the board in the first round using the 3 obeys, and 2 pipers Lures at my disposal.

I use it constantly and it's almost a no brainer. You need very mediocre cards (as long as you aren't attacking a Master) and you can get masters easy enough if you eat through their soulstone pool early.

How would you have the Primordial Magic in that list?

The Enslaved is an easy swap, but I never find Perdita needs any totem.

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How would you have the Primordial Magic in that list?

The Enslaved is an easy swap, but I never find Perdita needs any totem.

Hamelin gets you any one hight one model you want in your list.

Though enslaved is okay Primordial has a better ability and higher casting level.

This mixed with the fact that Hamelin can cast obey its realy the best totem for the job.

The idea is that you can now cast obay a total of 3 times in the list.

Also I think that Primordial gives you an extra card for your control hand, but i could be wrong about that, not having my rule book right here with me.


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Interesting strategy, taking Haemlin so you can take Primordial Magic, quite easily the best totem in the game. Back on topic...

If you are using Perdita to Obey, I have to disagree when the way you are playing. With Perdita you need a decent mask to get anywhere with Perdita's Obey which for a master is ridiculous. Your master is the best unit on the field and you have to worry about getting a certain suit on them? You aren't going to keep up at all with whatever your opponents master is doing and if your master can't keep up with their master you are going to lose the game. Only 3 soulstones isn't really helping you either.

To be completely honest, I'm pretty much convinced there is nothing better in the Guild list then Witchling Stalkers. They have good melee Cb and minimum melee damage 3 for 4 soulstones which is not too shabby. They also have useful triggers, magic resistant, explode when they die, and the icing on the cake is the 0 action disrupt magic which can shut down the enemy master in their tracks not to mention the rest of their army. Also you can do a cool combo where you can move a Witchling twice and use Disrupt magic in one activation and then charge him in with Perdita's Obey that Stalker to charge in and then the Disrupt Magic will affect all of the models with Disrupt magic which can be devastating.

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One thing to keep in mind is that with perdita Obey is a side ability and a good one at that. but the thing to keep in mind is that you can auto tie any resist duel on you own guys so if you cast obey on Nino you can auto tie the result if nino would normally win making it go off. So you only really need to stock pile masks of 7 or better when you get them in your hand.

There is soo many uses for obey on your own family members my fav is to use it on papa to get him to charge towards the enemy, even if he fails the charge he will be 8 inches closer then on his turn he move and then "Takes you all with me" giving him a 13 inch move with a 19 inch threat range. I normally catch my opponent off guard with that since he will be expecting me to use it on Nino or Francesco.

Remember its easy to cheat with perdita, if you don’t have the cards you want you can always use her hero's gamble to draw a new hand, i have done that when i only have one or two good cards i will use them on another ortaga and then activate Perdita and replace my hand to try and get a good mask cheat card.

Also remember the first turn you should try and keep good cards in you hand for the 2nd turn, so if you draw a 7+ mask keep it for turn 2 or 3.

-I hope this helps,


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Keep in mind with Perdita you only draw a number of control cards equal to the number you discard. I've seen one or two players get tripped up by that and think that it means drawing a whole new hand.

I play a straight Ortega family with the Enslaved Nephilim added in, and I win more than lose. Perdita's Obey is useful to set other models up to do things. With three action points a turn you have plenty of chances to make the opposing Master react to what you're doing.

I would agree that the Witchling Stalkers are a great addition to Perdita's crew. They are really handy for shutting down all sort of things. In August they may get supplanted by another model, especially if there are additions to the Ortegas.

Edited by Ciaran
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