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Seamus & His Living Impaired Ladies of Negotiable Affection


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This is the first time I've come across this thread and I must say bravo on a interesting and nicely painted force. The color palette you've used really is visually striking and really works well with the models. And your technique really pulls it all together. Well done, and thanks for sharing.

And I'm throwing in bonus internet points for the best thread title I've seen on any forum in many a year. I chuckled mightily.

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  • 2 months later...

Back from the dead! Haven't worked on this crew for a while, but I'm currently getting set for the big annual Malifaux tournament here in Bellingham. I need to paint some Punk Zombies, and recently picked up this miniature to use as a proxy for Simalacrum 29 (though I'll still get the official model once it comes out):

Note, this is NOT my paintjob:


because my reply to Averlorn was via PM:

Flesh is: Camo green; Dark green ink wash; camo green; rotting flesh; white (with steps in between each of those of blends).

Nicodem's coat is snakebite leather highlighted with white added.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I've been quiet for a while, but not because I haven't been painting. I just haven't been painting Malifaux. Miniature Showcase being the egalitarian board it is, I figured it might not hurt to share what I've been up to lately.

I'm currently working on my Nomads for Infinity. Here's a 150 point crew designed to spread repeaters so that the hacker can rain guided missile death onto the heads of the unwary:



I've given Warmachine a try or two, and have really enjoyed it. The Cryx models I've painted to date:


Last Winter my local group also had a 40k escalation league. I decided to speed-paint Necrons, vowing not to take longer to paint them than it took to assemble them. My forces ended up as so:


Here's some close-ups of my Wraith conversions:



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  • 4 weeks later...

Not sure what kind of a tutorial you'd be looking for. I basecoat everything black, and use multiple layers of the same color to get a good, even coverage. I don't really blend, rather I "block paint". Except for the Necrons - they're dipped! If you have specific questions, I'm happy to answer.

Here's the latest:

5 Intruders and a Spektr for my Nomads:



And the start of a Hamelin crew in anticipation of the "Hamelin Rules Fix" (please, Wyrd! Do for Hamelin what you did for the Dreamer!)


Next up I'm working on some stuff for my Empire of the Dead crews.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

Don't think I had posted this yet. My plan was to come up with a system to convert my Warhammer Empire army to 30mm bases without rebasing them. That way, I can use them as a Westerner crew for Hell Dorado and also for Empire of the Dead (likely as a Wulfen Jaeger crew). The bases consist of a laser-cut and etched base of 1/8" MDF glued onto the top of a 1.25" diameter fender washer. Because my Warhammer models are magnetized already, they attach onto the fender washer quite nicely. The bases are a bit bigger than 30mm, but they have to be in order for the wood to work (and to have an easy to find washer size).


More to come!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got some more painting in!

A Frankenstein's Monster by Blue Moon and a "Monster By-Blow" by West Wind


Some "Boss Zombies" by Tengu Models:


3 of the WORST zombie sculpts of all time, by Reaper:


I've also worked up (from existing models, re-based and what-not) 2 gangs for Empire of the Dead, a new Mordheim-style steampunk horror skirmish game. It's much more classic horror/steampunk than Malifaux (which I class as its own genre), and very, very British. I've not played a game yet, but looking forward to giving it a try. I've got two 150 point(ish) starting gangs.

First up, a group of Wulfen Jaegers (a sub-faction of the Gentlemen's Club).

The President with two heavy pistols and the Vice President with a heavy pistol and a sword:


The Members, with a variety of clubs (torches), crossbow pistols (I know, they're not on the Gentlemen Club's buy list, but c'mon!) and a light pistol.


I also included enough leftover points for two influences, which in the game allows the purchase of ... an ANGRY MOB!!! The mob is a group of 10 models that fights as one mass:


I've also got some leftover models from my Warhammer Empire army to serve as new recruits:


The second crew is a mass of reanimated bodies. I've used the Lycaon (werewolf) rules to represent a group of underlings reanimated by Herr Doktor Frankenstein:


The big gent in the red pants is a Beastlord, the one in the purple suspenders is a Packmaster, the 3 Mantic zombies are Wolfskins with daggers, the Tengu zombie with the big arm is a Wolfskin with a double-handed weapon, and the Wyrd dogs are Wolves.

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What I *really* want to paint next is the Dark Debts crew, but I reckon I'll have to wait a bit for that (unless someone at Wyrd sends me a surprise, after which I'd devote all of my painting time to finishing them up in time for a Malifood event on Spetember 15th :) ). I may give my Dreamer crew a shot, but I'm really struggling to land on a color scheme of which I'm fond.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been excited about the new Dark Debts models, but I'm forced to sate myself by finally getting some paint on some of my Dreamer models.

The Dreamer and a Daydream:



His dear friend Teddy:



A couple of Stitched Together (who were really fun to paint!):



And the obligatory group shot:


While I'd love to paint some more of my Dreamer crew, I'll likely start work on a display board for my Ressers.

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Thanks! I bought up a bunch of Snakebite Leather (the main color of the Stitched) when GW changed paints, so hopefully I'll be well supplied for a bit. It's one color where the Vallejo equivalent is much less vivid, and the new GW version isn't on, either. I'll be sad when I run out of it!

The bases were sculpted and cast in resin by myself (though cast a bit poorly - you can see the voids left by bubbles. I reckon the voids might eventually bug me enough to go back and fill them). The bases ended up getting picked up and cast in metal by Black Cat Bases (click here for link), who have some pretty interesting stuff. I wish I hadn't already based all my models, as their castings are much, much nicer. They're having a 20% off sale for the next month, as well. A better look at the base inserts:


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Great job on the bases and congratulations on Black Cat picking them up (I might just pick some of those up for my Pandora and Dreamer crews).

I have just recently dug into the New GW paint line wholeheartedly and must say I love it but definately miss my old stand by's (Camo green and Gryponne Sepia were how I did all my Gremlin skin).

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It should, though the pigment might be to rich to allow the black undercoat to effect the shading.

Citadel's new Ogryn Camo color is really close to it. As for the wash, Seraphim Sepia is a bit to subtle a shade to replace the old Gryphone Sepia so I would recommend Reikland Fleshshade instead (which I think is a hell of a lot closer to Gryphonne Sepia).

This is what I am planning for the gremlin models that are sitting on painting table starring at me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WIth the upcoming Malifood event up in Vancouver, I thought I'd make a display board to cart my crew from table to table. I tried for a "Ruined Mad Scientist Lab" vibe.

First, I started with some 50mm objective markers to use as set decoration:




Then the board itself:


And populated by McMourning and friends:


I may add some other machines and gizmos eventually, but it's a start!

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