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APR.NBR Snow Joke


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"'s here somewhere." Seamus clicked his tongue impatiently. "c'mon boys and girls. A bit o' snow ain't much t' worry 'bout now."

He knew the creepy cottage was around here somewhere. And inside was "Mad" Doc Armans' extensive library.


Of course, Seamus was worried about the blizzard blowing through this part of downtown, but his entourage didn't seem to mind too much.


"There be something eldritch about this here snowstorm..." he mused to himself, drawing his .50.

"Oblong?" came Chastity's raspy voice.

As Seamus was about to snap off a remark, he spied a familiar outline darting out of sight at the other end of the estate.


"That you 'tina?" Seamus shouted "I'd rec'nise those curves anywhere baby!"

While there was no response, he could swear the temperature dropped further. grinning to himself he motioned his crew to advance; the game was afoot!


Fortune was against Seamus as he spotted several demons made from ice darting in and out of the blizzard.


Nonetheless, he darted forward, throwing himself against a creepy structure, Ian the Guitarist and Chastity following his lead, while Stella wandered off down the street, absent-minded as ever.

Much to Seamus' dismay, the giant flesh construct followed, along with the punk singer Ed.


As Seamus wondered if Rasputina was simply passing through, her husky voice echoed from all the snowdrifts "Foul warlock! prepare to receive His Curse!"

"i've had some frosty receptions before, but this freezes the biscuit!" Seamus muttered. "C'mon now darlin' why don't you an I share a bottle o' summat distilled and discuss matters?"

the metallic taste of wyrdstone power arced through the wind and Stella stopped as arcane magics blasted the air in front of her.


Unshaken, the Flesh construct lumbered forward, storming toward a small ice creature in front of it.

As soon as it was in arms reach however, the Gamin peppered it in ice, slowing it down in front of Rasputina, power arcing from her hands, boosted by the Essence floating beside her.

Strange symbols formed a circle in front of the Construct, glowing brightly against the snowy backdrop.

The construct looked confused a moment before the magics tore it into pieces, spraying the Gamin and the snow in dark blood, chunks of meat showering all around.


Following Rasputina's lead, the Ice Golem roared, flinging ice at Ian, destroying the zombie and pinning his body to the wall.


"Tis a fair cop. These guys'd be great bar staff at a summer barbie."

Looking at Stella he waved "Gi'us a hand luv, willya?"

Stella stepped forward, exposing her one intact leg and flashing her cleavage at the closest Gamin.

Confused, it sauntered forward, an icicle forming in its drawn back hand.

"Gotcha ya wee bugger!" Seamus shouted, blowing its head off in one perfect shot, sending ice flying as the remains shattered.


concentrating, he could feel a source of death beneath the snow. With an intricate hand gesture he spotted a drift start to move "Arise my sweet!" he shouted as the Wyrd energies flowed through him and was rewarded with a new plaything pull herself upright. "go get 'em girlie!" he exclaimed as he ducked back behind the building, giggling to himself.


Haruna, the recently reanimated Belle flicked her fans around confused, catching a Gamin who had moved closer to examine the sudden spike of power in the snow.


the wound focussed its attention and it struck the Belle, tearing skin and clothing aside


Meanwhile, Chastity spotted the floating Essence of Power and beckoned toward the floating figure, causing it to drift closer toward her.


Seizing the initiative, Seamus' Belles began their work...


Haruna, shrugging off her wounds, danced for the floating Essence, luring it within striking range of her parasol, which she embedded in it's face, dispersing it's energies into the wind.


Rasputina, with a scream of rage, focused Decembers' Curse and blew Ed into smithereens! plastering the nearby wall and snow with blood and guts.


The Gamin, magics travelling past it, scratched and bit at Haruna, leaving her tattered but still standing


As Haruna fought back, hitting it over the head with her parasol, the Gamin launched itself at her, tearing her body in half!


Seamus grinned, reloading his .50 slowly and deliberately, giving the distant Rasputina a wink "Hey baby! Ever had a round as big as this?" Focussing her energies, Rasputina concentrated and two large pillars of solid ice burst from the ground by Ed's remains, blocking Seamus' aim


Seamus leaned aside and spotted the Gamin stood in Harunas steaming body and called out to her "C'mon babe! the night's still young! I got's plenty o' juice to go yet!" and was rewarded by her corpse flow back together, struggling to its feet.


Seamus grinned and with careful aim, shot the Gamin dead, blowing massive holes in what was now turning back to ice.

"Howsat babe? d'you want some of this too? These guys are getting borin'!"


as he began to step backward from the irate Rasputina, snow and ice forming in the air around her in her fury, he picked up a new scent of Death. He could barely beleive his luck as Mei pulled herself out of the snow by a lamp-lit bench

"All these lovely ladies! is it romance in the air? or just innards?!" he laughed as he slipped over Ed's entrails, still splayed cross the floor.


Rasputina was less than impressed, especially at the dead woman in front of her and channelled all of Decembers' might, both of the oriental Belles staggering ad chunks of their flesh were blasted off.


Still cursing, Rasputina pushed herself to the limit, the freshly risen Mei exploding under the pressure!


The Ice Golem Roared as it stormed forward lured by Harunas' innocent looks, but was unprepared for her strike, chipping away at its torso.


It looked less than impressed and flattened her with a single blow, hammering the corpse into the snow


It was obviously distracted by its kill as Seamus calmly blew another hole in it with his .50, cursing the monsters armoured hide.


The Golem continued its charge forward, heading to the blissfully unaware Stella, slapping her aside into the snow.


Her teeth, fangs and parasol tore great chunks of ice off the beast, sending it reeling from the ferocity of her attack


Meanwhile, Seamus ducked along the other side of the building, spotting for the first time Doctor Armans' brass nameplate by the door.

Unfortunately ice had formed across the door, sealing it shut.

Cursing the gods, the weather and his mother, Wyrd energy arced from Seamus, tearing another Belle from the ground by his feet


Meanwhile, the Golem tore Stella in half, holding the pieces above its head in victory.

However, as her unlife expired, Stella rammed her Parasol through its open mouth, the shattered ice and her dead blood mixing in the snow.


As the loss of her construct, Rasputina swore and cursed, the air itself freezing around her.

With an overpowered blast of dark magic, she blew the freshly raised Belle sheltering Seamus into pieces, seriously injuring the Hatter with the projected bone shards and solid ice.


"'s enough of that girly! ye coulda had summons' eye out!" Seamus shouted in anger, storming forward with his .50 raised at Rasputina's outline

"Now enough playin' hard tae get. consider foreplay over!"

As he shouted these words, a massive gale of wind blew by, throwing biting snow into his eyes.

As he blinked and shook his head, Rasputina had disappeared, leaving only snow turning into slush and mixing with the dark blood awash the streets. Stomping back toward Stella, he noticed the ice falling off the door to the Doctors house.

He grinned and holstered his pistol. "well m'girl. lets do some shopping!"


Whisper: Arcanists: 3VP

Slaughter, Sabotage, Stake a Claim


Essence of Power

Ice Golem

Ice Gamin

Ice Gamin

Ice Gamin

GS_Gav: Resurrectionists: 8VP

Claim Jump, Army Of The Dead, Bodyguard


Flesh Construct

Rotten Belle

Rotten Belle

Punk Zombie

Punk Zombie

Edited by greenstuff_gav
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