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Fighting the Zombie hordes


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So playing guild, have a good mix of everything but wondering what is the best way of dealing with horde of zombie lists. They seem to be very tough to deal with and spamming tons of zombies with Nico and Seamus is hard to get past the wall of dead.

The obvious Lady Justice team stuff would seem best, but it doesn't really seem to work as well in practice with the Ressurectionist just pumping our way more undead than one can handle, and basically wasting actions and time trying to kill all the undead losers instead of killing the important stuff, or getting objectives.

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As a zombie player I can assure you that LJ is the last thing you want to see on the table across from you. She's even worse than a construct army. That being said I'd like to point out that Sonnia's AoE/magic resistant crew usually fares rather well against zombies too, as long as they can shut down the key components of the horde before attrition starts taking too heavy a toll.

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I've found the Ortegas pretty good too - the undead may be hard to wound, but when you cop that many 2-3 damage shots things don't tend to last long.

Anything with critical strike triggers should be able to nail a zombie each shot for Nicodem, and Seamus doesn't spawn all that much.

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  • 2 months later...

Any guild list can pretty handily beat a zombie horde list, actually. Sonnia's crew will have the hardest time, but for Lady J it's almost impossible for zombies to win, and Perdita has a huge advantage with her range. As long as you don't focus on the bulk of the horde minions, and the people making the horde (seamus, mcmourning, or Nicodem), you won't get caught in attrition.

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Yea I meant Belle heavy crews. Always can't seem to kill them fast enough with Ortegas at least so far. With the hard to wound and 8 wd each, they usually take concentrated fire to bring down that it seems as soon as I take one down, Seamus is just bringing it back.

I usually don't play LJ as much so I will probably have to try more undead killing tailored list.

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You should consider fielding an executioner regardless of what master your running. He should be able to kill a belle a round and if his non critical attack can kill he can trigger final repose. Slow to Die and loves his job should keep him in play against the hoard for awhile.

Try to flank the summons spamming master and lay the hurt on them but first, take out any counter producing models; zombie chihuawa, mortimer, sebastian. They should be hard pressed to deal with an executioner coming down the middle and a ranged attacker flaking them while the rest of your crew supports them taking out whatever undead they can.

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Yea most likely need someone like him as clean up duty. I like Ortegas but they seem to lack enough volume of fire to kill fast enough undead hordes. They easily and quickly kill all models that can't come back, so it always seems like the opponent has nothing left but Belles and Seamus. Let the ortegas snipe everything, and the let executioner roll in and cut the army to pieces. Sounds good

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  • 2 weeks later...

with the ortegas this is I would bring


her totom 2

executioner 7

papa loco 6

witchling 4

Nino 7

6ss extra in a 30ss list

if you are worried about papa swap him for another family model.

okay what you do is obay papa into range and blow him up twice if you can to kill three or more models, then bring in the executioner to use his last rights ank kill the corpse counters.

and contine. if you have alot of mindless zombies to deal with remeber that lasts rights flat out kills them.

also final repose is a great trigger.

I think useing both obay casts right is key to winning. The executioner is a great add to deal with undead with any master but with perdita and her totem obaying him hes even better.

hope this helps

Andrew .

Edited by TimeLapse
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