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Icy Mirror and December's Curse


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I have read a few times on this forum that Rasputina is wicked using Icy Mirror, but with December's Curse at range 10 and the Mirror being range 6 you can only cast the Curse 16 inches away from Rasputina and 10 from her followers... am I missing something? 10 inches seems way too close for gamins/nodes to be sitting in LOS even being turned to Stone...

I am starting to think that cheating fate priority is to keep the nodes alive and soulstones are for getting past the -3 Ca for the mirror...



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16" is more than enough, trust me! The board for scraps is 36x36 so this is nearly half the board width (and chances are the enemy will be moving towards you anyway). Tina loves totems, the wendigo has "icy heart" and so with companion can activate right before tina to get into a good position. I usually prefer an essence of power though, their (+) damage flip usually mitigates the neccessity to burn through soulstones somewhat. Save your high cards for cheating the damage flip or at a pinch making sure to get overpower off. Honestly the amount of damage tina can put out is sickening!

I gather you haven't played her yet, just try it. you'll see. The only crews that will give you a major problem are shooty guild lists, but clever use of ice pillars can force them to expose themselves if they want to shoot (or they just spend the game destroying ice pillars).

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Most ranged attacks in the game are 10" or less. (Nino Ortega and Hans are the only ranges greater than 12" that I know of.) By comparison, the 14-16" that Icy Mirror will normally buy you is quite an increase. While I will sometimes cheat to prevent my "nodes" from getting harmed, with the armor that they come with, it's usually enough to just make sure that the damage flip has a :-fate. Getting them dinged up is also a good way to get an accurate range measurement and prepare the Gamin or Golem for shatering, preferably in combat, preferably by getting hit with a Madium or High damage December's Curse of their own. While the tendency in skirmish games is to think of all of your pieces as precious commodities, just making sure that they die when you want them to is the key to winning in some circumstances.

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Decembers Curse is one of the nastiest spells in the game and it is mostly due to the fact that it may trigger Overpower. Target a low DEF high WD model and you will be able to hit it multiple times (with or without ice mirror) as you should be getting a mask out every time via flip, cheat, or when soulstoneing. I can't tell you how many times I had no cheats but soulstoned a mask (one time 3 in a row). When you are going for Raspys alpha (3+Decembers Curse while pushing for 2 plumes) you should be rocking your highest car with a mask prefferably and SS to force a neurtal or positive flip to pull off the plumes. I have killed 3 major Guild members in one turn before. Essence is deffinately nice but I prefer the Wendigo vs muliple opponents for Ice Heart , melee ability, and graverobber (also a spell like the rest). I don't even HAVE to use ice mirror but sometimes OPT to depending on my opponents army. Run her with 6-8 ss and you will do wonders. I have had tremendous success with her in lists with lots of low ss models to over-activate my opponent and draw cards out. I have a all HT 1 list that tend to blow up or chew up my opponent.

Just keep playing her, I struggled at first too (10 losses 3 wins)

And always remember its all about the VPs

Edited by GrottoKnight
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Not just hard cover but it can block LOS. I used Ice pillars once to block off some chock points in a game and total wiped the board since I could control the other crews movement. Don't forget her ability to use Freeze Over to stop models in their tracks. It's not so much that you actually use it (since it's only got a 6" range) but many opponents fear it so much that they will avoid terrain features, which can really slow them down and give you more time to tear them up with your ranged attacks (Gamins, Ice Golem, December's Curse, etc).

Don't forget also that good Ice Pillar placement can give your Gamins hard cover. With the neg flip to hit and the added armor on top of Statue.....
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is there a limit to how many ice pillars you can have out? is it like Lilith's forest that she can only have one out at a time?

The Wendigo's Magical Extension, does it allow him to cast any spell of Raspy's? Does he have to remain in a certain range to cast them?

thanks guys!

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