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Experience System?

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When I picked up Malifaux Mordheim was definitely one of the prime games it reminded me of (Deadlands being the other) and I wished it had an experience system like Mordheim did. But, one of the main draws of the experience system, for me, was the sheer variability in game play. Malifaux provides that with the diverse abilities of the models and the ability for players to choose objectives. So, after more experience with the game, I didn't really think it was necessary.

However, there is definitely something to be said for being able to watch your characters grow and diversify as you play in a campaign. It would be neat if you could do that with Malifaux. But, since you don't equip characters like you did in Mordheim and each character is so different, that could be difficult. Games like Mordheim need a generic template to expand from. So, a system like that would be difficult.

All that said, I'm not official in any means, and have no idea really. But those were my thoughts, having had the same general impression as you.

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Seems like something that would be best as an expansion type thing, maybe standalone. Generic masters and minions, with some options to customise them. Then your crew would be unique and experience would just make that more so.

I agree and think this would be a fun way to go. While I have never been a fan of the card and deck building games, I do like Malifaux. I can see that Malifaux is trying to build a bridge from the older miniature-dice gamers and the newer card-dueling gamers. My gaming group has been very difficult to sway to this game due to the card based mechanic. If an experience system is introduced into the next expansion I will have an easier time getting them on board.


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