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Rules for innocent bystanders would be cool. Imagine trying to have a gunfight with norms running around getting in the way

That would be great, especially for fights in the city. I'm planning a city board right now, and I'd love to have city folk walking around. Especially if they could get involved somehow.

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In the right scenario the idea of innocent bystanders running around blocking LoS and Charge could make life very interesting. The challenge would be doing this is such a way that it didn't allow one player to bias the movement and didn't slow the game down significantly. Maybe using something like the D8 roll to combine distance and direction that they use in Arena Deathmatch. Difficult to explain but the pictures explain it well. (Note to Wyrd: Diagrams in the rulebook please, everyone else does and they help a lot). Maybe for each bystander roll D8 halved for movement and direction or maybe something similar to the fallback rules but without the morale roll. Just have them move away from anyone that is in combat or fires a weapon within 4".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget d8, use the cards.

1 - aim-off, miss to the left (3 inches)

2 - overshot...miss to the back (3 inches)

3 - aim-off, miss to the right (3 inches)

4 - undershot...miss to the front (3 inches)

5 - aim-off, miss to the left (2 inches)

6 - overshot...miss to the back (2 inches)

7 - aim-off, miss to the right (2 inches)

8 - undershot...miss to the front (2 inches)

9 - aim-off, miss to the left (1 inch)

10 - overshot...miss to the back (1 inch)

11 - aim-off, miss to the right (1 inch)

12 - undershot...miss to the front (1 inch)

13 - Just plain missed...

Red Joker - Hits the victim's nearest ally.

Black Joker - Hits the shooter's nearest ally.

Upon working out the deviation, if the card is black it deals damage to the nearest relevant figure, if the card is red, it just misses. If the nearest figure is still the original target, then just assume a miss.

Just an idea.

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