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Gremlin Tactics for the New and the Frustrated


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Stop ressin old threads :S

Actually, I would urge people to write up some post book 2 tactics and I'll link them in the first post. I think it's a good thread to ress: tactics threads in the other faction forums are even floated.

Again, PM me if you write a new article though. I may miss it. I'll write mine up another day.

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Stop ressin old threads :S
This is a sticky. It is here to be read and added to from here until another thread takes it's place. So this is not necromancy by any means of the word.

:welcome: to the forum.

And I would love to see and add to a Ophelia thread if you get one going Lalochezia. I had my first run with them the other day and I am in love with those green guys. (I still don't like Sum'er's play style but Ophelia's family is right up my ally.) Expected to lose and ended up winning by a large lead. Reckless and Rami kept my opponent frustrated and Pere is just hilarious. Run him up and Oopsie, then pick him off with one of your own guys. That's 9 Dg with a failed Def flip. Throw in the slop hauler and no one is going to have their big beasts anywhere near Pere.

Got lots of little tactics brewing right now and would love to discuss them.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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To be fair, I don't think this thread was stickied when he posted that...but maybe I wasn't paying attention?

When I write up some Ophelia tactics, I'll post them here and link in the first post of this thread.

And, yeah, she's a blast to play. I'm actually looking more forward to painting her at the moment though. :D

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To be fair, I don't think this thread was stickied when he posted that...but maybe I wasn't paying attention?

When I write up some Ophelia tactics, I'll post them here and link in the first post of this thread.

And, yeah, she's a blast to play. I'm actually looking more forward to painting her at the moment though. :D

This thread has been stickied for at least a month now. I've been following it since I decided to get Ophelia. :love:

I'll keep a look out for it then.

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Sticky Gremlins...


On a vaguely related note--I recently used the Gremlin Taxidermist and the Pigapult in the same game (with Som'er as master). Loads of fun.

I had Som'er do Git Yer Bro twice, using the same Gremlin to summon for both, resulting in a dead Gremlin generating a Corpse counter. (Hopefully I didn't miss some rules thing on this. I think I got it right. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.)

This trick let me crank out new Gremlins and generate ammo (via the Taxidermist) for the Pigapult.

I was against Seamus, so being able to grab at least some corpse counters away form him (as well as using the ones I deliberately made) was great. (I also had a Mosquito to Sooey the new-made Stuffed Piglets back towards the Pigapult.)

I wound up getting my butt kicked (bad tactical choices for the Gremlins I sent out to attack--it was a mutual slaughter scenario), but it was still loads of fun.

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Sticky Gremlins...


On a vaguely related note--I recently used the Gremlin Taxidermist and the Pigapult in the same game (with Som'er as master). Loads of fun.

I had Som'er do Git Yer Bro twice, using the same Gremlin to summon for both, resulting in a dead Gremlin generating a Corpse counter. (Hopefully I didn't miss some rules thing on this. I think I got it right. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.)

This trick let me crank out new Gremlins and generate ammo (via the Taxidermist) for the Pigapult.

I was against Seamus, so being able to grab at least some corpse counters away form him (as well as using the ones I deliberately made) was great. (I also had a Mosquito to Sooey the new-made Stuffed Piglets back towards the Pigapult.)

I wound up getting my butt kicked (bad tactical choices for the Gremlins I sent out to attack--it was a mutual slaughter scenario), but it was still loads of fun.

Another interesting tactic I was musing on the Pigapult involved Ophelia and Pere. Activate Ophelia first and use her action (name escapes me) to let another Gremlin activate after her on the Pigapult and also trigger Pere's Companion (Kin) ability.

Once Ophelia finishes her activation let the Pigapult launch Pere. If he dies you still get his on-death explosion for Dg:4. If he survives he'll get to immediately activate in the middle of a massed enemy to great effect.

Not sure if that's exactly how that works though as I'm quite new, so I might have missed something in the process there that is illegal.

Additionally, this could work in conjunction with some Stuffed Piglets if you're running Somer as your Master and just bring Ophelia along for her good looks :)

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  • 1 month later...

Also, I know this might sound kinda dumb...but don't underestimate the slop hauler.

I managed to get "Bet'cha I c'n hit it!" off and actually kill Hans, who was putting the hurt on my gremlins. Although this was after Rami got a moderate off and triggered Dumb and Lucky (thanks to Ophelia).

I am totally switching my colors to green....the 'other' green.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there anything in the way of a recent tactica? I'm starting to want to try out the masters I've not played. That leaves me with the Ressers, Lady J, Perdita, and Somer Teeth. Somer Teeth looks the most fun but also the least obvious. With the changes in strategies and schemes as well as new models I'd love a good jumping on point.

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In a 35 or 40ss scrap is there a point to working in Ophelia or any of the family? Or would that just water down the Somer team?

Rami is an excellent edition most of the time simply because he can get up to Df:7 which shores up one glaring weakness of Som'er's crew: very low Cb ratings.

Pere could work into an AOE-centric list using Taxidermist/Stuffed Piglets pretty well. Especially if using the Pigapult. If you *really* want to go nuts with it you can include him with Ophelia herself and use her ability to activate the Pigapult and Pere simultaneously so after he get's shot by the 'pult he can immediately start spewing fire.

Ophelia is just a generally strong model, she's pretty much always worth considering even for her soulstone cost. She'll work best in a Gremlin Gunline though, so if you're thinking of bringing a lot of pigs/skeeters she's perhaps not your best choice because you'll lose out on the effectiveness of her (0) utility actions like Oooh a girl! and Dumb and Lucky (think I got those names right).

Francois and Raphael are probably the least likely to be used with Som'er. They just don't really complement either any of his most common playstyles, in my opinion anyway. Those playstyles being the Gremlin Gunline, Piggy Corralling, or AOE-focused builds (alpha stank, stuffed piggies, etc).

If anyone has some good tactics regarding the use of either Francois or Raphael with Som'er I'd be very interested though in hearing them, I really like their backstory more than Rami and Pere but they just seem to both be slightly weaker models overall and don't fit as well with Som'er's playstyles.

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I would take francois with Som'er only if I also had ophelia. Francois' danger lurks in his ability to auto trigger with Ophelia giving him a :rams. If you can suck cards from your opponent with skeeters, you will smack just about anything around.

Make sure you use the trigger to keep shooting first, and save the reckless action in case you miss. Also, unless you are right next to a model that can heal you, and have activations left, make sure you trigger dumb luck on your last wound. You will most likely die, but you will go down in a blaze of glory.

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I'm gonna ask a couple questions that have DOUBTLESS been asked before; the short words in the ability names make forums search ineffective though.

I presume Pull My Finger hurts mosquitoes in the area as well, right?

Does Flip for it affect cards used to cheat a flip or only cards that are actually flipped?

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I'm gonna ask a couple questions that have DOUBTLESS been asked before; the short words in the ability names make forums search ineffective though.

I presume Pull My Finger hurts mosquitoes in the area as well, right?

Does Flip for it affect cards used to cheat a flip or only cards that are actually flipped?

It hurts mosquitoes but not the one casting it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, I was playing a game with the Gremlins tonight and we noticed something interesting about Rami- Are his triggers correct? They are an exact match to one of the other Gremlin Kin models, and the cb doesn't match up to his weapons.

(Sorry if this was asked elsewhere, I looked everywhere I could first)

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Hey guys, I was playing a game with the Gremlins tonight and we noticed something interesting about Rami- Are his triggers correct? They are an exact match to one of the other Gremlin Kin models, and the cb doesn't match up to his weapons.

(Sorry if this was asked elsewhere, I looked everywhere I could first)

No, dumb luck should specify his weapon. (the rifle)

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, the newly errata'ed Swine Dash action from the v2 cards for the War Pig and Piglets states that you can ignore any models in base contact when determining the target of the action. This should greatly help the Boomerang tactic of casting "Sooey!" through a skeeter because we don't have to block LOS or anything like that. just make sure that the pigs have enough Cg value to push into base contact with the calling skeeter so it can be ignored by their upcoming Swine Dashes.

Anyone else notice any new little changes for Som'er from the v2 cards?

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  • 2 months later...

Good catch, Darguth. I had seen that, but hadn't realised how useful it was.

Going to get my third game with Som'er tonight. Third game - third different list. Gotta try 'em all :)

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Som'er Teeth Jones -- 0 Cache

1 Giant Mosquito [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Bayou Gremlin [2ss]

Gremlin Taxidermist [6ss]

Pigapult [4ss]

Pere Ravage [5ss]

Stuffed Piglet [3ss]

Stuffed Piglet [3ss]

Stuffed Piglet [3ss]

The idea is to cause as much explosive mayhem as possible :)

Som'er can use Git Yer Bro and/ or Come And Get It to feed the Taxidermist mill.

The Skeeter will stay near the Pigapult, while the Taxidermist can move forward, pushing the existing Stuffed Piglets forward to form an explosive pork wall. Any corpse counters generated either ahead of him or by Som'er he can turn into Stuffed Piglets and the Skeeter can Sooey them to the Pigapult as needed.

The Pigapult will probably be in LoS against melee crews and out against ranged crews. With a friendly Stuffed Piglet Rolled into the enemy lines, it has a perfect target for a Focused strike. Piglet Roll doesn't need LoS (I think), so the Taxidermist can Float the Stuffed Piglets over terrain and into the perfect position for a Pork Barrage.

The Gremlins deal with objectives, shoot things or just go Boom for fun :)

Ravage gets a ride in the Pigapult whenever the opportunity for maximum mayhem arises.

One thing I need to bear in mind - whenever the Pigapult sacs a Stuffed Piglet for ammo, the Piglet needs to take a Wp=>12 duel or it takes the Bacon Bomb! action. If it does, I think that means the Pigapult still gets to fire, although it will take a Wd.

Will let you know how it goes.

Edited by Sholto
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That sounds like a fun list, I'll have to try it my self. Between Pere, the stuffed Pigs, Pigapult and "Pull my Finger" that's a lot of AOE damage! I think with the addition of a slop hauler to lower defense values, that list will be painful. It's just a matter of taking out points and such to fit him in. Good luck with it!

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You can see a batrep of the game here. I could not use the Pigapult without letting Bete Noir appear right in the middle of my crew. When I did eventually fire the Pigapult, I forgot to wipe out my opponents control hand with A Gremlin's Luck first, and he managed to cheat the Df of his models up to avoid any damage from the Pork Barrage. I still managed to kill about 4 of his models with a Pere Special, though, and I think I discovered the coolest way imaginable to Deliver A Message :D

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