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My Malifaux Crew Painting Blog


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The entire model is superb. The hair, the jeans, the base, the boobies...superb.

I do however have one bit of C&C. The red holster strap is distracting. Everything on the model is cool or neutral colors, that one spot of hot color draws the viewer's eye away from everything else - which is a shame.

I would suggest dropping it for a neutral color or, you would have to put a splash or two of red elsewhere to balance it.

The best way would be a triangle of red splashes with the top at the head but I don't see where you could put one on the other leg. The necklace seems a prime spot though for the peak. You might be able to get away with just the necklace and holster strap - it's at least a fairly straight line from the top to bottom, the problem with that is that the eye goes from one to the other and just keeps going right off the model (that's why a triangle is best).

Anyway, just my opinion of course, still think it's great no matter what. Sorry for being long-winded.

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Recently the intrest for Malifaux in my local gaming group picked up again and this got me motivated putting some paint on a few minis I still had lying around. I'll post a few pictures doing so.

For some reason everyone insists on tons of buildings, hard cover and whatnot on the gaming board if they play against me, knowing I have only my perdita crew painted. Hence to give me some more options I started on Lady Justice yesterday evening.

This is how far I got (colours are a bit off, unfortunally my good cam is currently in repair):


Maybe I get off work early today and can finish her. Would be nice to have her and the Peacekeeper painted for fridays match.

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Thanks! I'll try to take pictures of the crew some time, but I have to bring them home for that (the local shop keepers allow us to store our painted minis there) and except Perdita the rest of the crew was painted pretty much in a rush. As a matter of fact I commissioned the guys at Studio Giraldez just recently to paint me the Ortega Crew since I wasn't happy with mine.

Small Update on Ms Justice:


Update: Almost finished - tomorrow...


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Thank you for all the nice comments - I'll post tomorrow pictures of the finished Lady Justice.

Assembling and cleaning the Peacekeeper took me felt ages - after that was done I primed him and added a very light grey highlight for orientation purposes with the airbrush and eventually the first parts got some colour.

I doubt I get him finished by Friday as initially planned. He is much larger than I expected.


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Fantastic painting, really like your style.

Wondering if you can supply which colours that you used for the blue pants (Ortega) and approximately which steps you used to recieve that fantastic result?

Myself I have tried to get a good jeans look and failed utterly perhaps with some guidance i also can get a decent result...

Looking forward too see some updates from you.

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Concerning the "jeans": I use Rackham Colour '003/Bleu Abyssal' as base colour and highlight it with bleached bone (citadel) and a tiny bit of desert yellow (citadel). Otherwise there are no special tricks involved. I don't try to get a really smooth blending, instead I draw a few thin lines on here and there with almost pure bleached bone as last highlight - adding a bit of 'texture'.

Here is the executioner I started a week ago - almost finished. Quite often I have troubles finishing a miniature once it's mainly details or cleaning stuff. Among other things he's gonna get a tatoo - that big belly is asking for that :)


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