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Hold Your Ground! RIW, Livonia MI, Feb 6


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RIW Hobbies, Livonia, MI


Hold Your Ground

Feb 6th, 2010 10am-7pm

Format- Hold Your Ground:

This will be a continuous play event, as soon as your match finishes, another will start. If you win on a table you will continue to defend that table with that list until you lose. Non-defending players will be able to switch lists and even factions between matches. Proxies will be allowed for unreleased miniatures only.

Each table will have a set location that will not change for the duration of the day, Scenarios and Random Events will be chosen at random as described in the rulebook.

Crew size- 35ss

Prizes- MVP (Most Victory Points), Beatstick (Most Wins), Gremlin (Worst VP:Match Average), other random sweetness too, maybe!

Entry Fee- 5$

Prizes to be determined, but expect $100 or more in prize support regardless of turnout!

example of play:

At the beginning of the event, each table will be set up and labeled with an appropriate location as per the locations in the book. Each player will be randomly assigned to a table and each player will randomly draw for encounter or events and strategies as per the book. When the game ends, the loser will pick up his gear and will wait for the first available table - as another game finishes, this player will move to that table and confront the previous winner. The winner of a table will use the same list he won with while the newcomer will have the opportunity to rebuild an appropriate list for the table.

Breaks between rounds will be available - just remember that at the end of the day the person with the most VP wins the gold!

Maverickman and I will provide additional opposition so the tables will be in constant rotation and no one should be without an opponent. Don't think for a second that he or I will pull our punches, though! If you want the VP from our games, you've gotta earn 'em!

Edited by nerdelemental
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Do you look at my schedule and find the dates already full?

I guess I get to pass on another tournament. :(

Like you ever play this game....

Starting to look like a batch of the locals have some plans for this weekend. Can't make it the following, though. Nor the third weekend as it's a MAOW meet. Mostly, it looks like some of you just suck.


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Like you ever play this game....;)
Hey! I have played it three times. Well, two of those were with the Beta rules that really don't look like what the finished product was so I guess I have played it once.

Way more times then I have played Aeronef, Wargods, and about a dozen other miniature games I own figures for. Ouch.

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Yeah! The Chicago/Milwaukee area is starving for henchmen!

You Jackson boys playing?

Rumor has it that I'll be twisting Mav's arm to run it for a while so I can play a bit! You Nancy's are in hella trouble. I'm thinking of pushing some Outcast lovin' your way for my first table. Of course....my first table will most likely be my last table, too....I'll be "defending" it all day, no doubt.


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Yeah! The Chicago/Milwaukee area is starving for henchmen!

You Jackson boys playing?

Rumor has it that I'll be twisting Mav's arm to run it for a while so I can play a bit! You Nancy's are in hella trouble. I'm thinking of pushing some Outcast lovin' your way for my first table. Of course....my first table will most likely be my last table, too....I'll be "defending" it all day, no doubt.


Oh we will be there...and I would not get too comfortable at your first table...you will be moving a bunch.

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