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JuJu really is a strange model. I think if he was a bit tougher (some armor maybe instead of just hard to wound 1, i mean come on, he's a dirt golem =P he needs armor!) he would be worth his points.

He is great though for stopping annoying ranged units like just about anything in the guild by popping up behind them. If you can get Initiative on the next turn, you have them. Just gobble them up. His whole eternal thing, while very very cool, is extremely expensive because he is honestly, way to easy to kill. You'll end up having him dead probably twice and then you have to decide is it worth another 2 ss to bring him back a 1/4 his total wds? It's a hard call.

I can see popping him up in a safe spot and positioning him so that the next turn he can do his damage but that can leave him hanging out there with little support. For a guy you want to drop in the enemy back field, he really is just sorta a bit defenseless on his own. It will take some smart moves and a bit of luck to keep him alive through the next turn.

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I really think Juju suffers from the having a bunch of bells and whistles but not much substance. I feel the same way with Silurids.

I like the idead of giving Juju armor 1 or 2 but not sure what to give Silurids

Juju could be a little cheaper, but that's not such a big deal.

But Silurids are fine. I love them. They die a little easy, but they are only 5 soul stones (compared to Juju's 10) and it's all in how you use them.

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I had a game last night with Zoraida's Crew (I'll keep running her vanilla Crew until I feel comfortable and happy with them, then I'll swap in Hamelin and see what happens), the Silurids were absolutely brilliant for a change. I only lost one all game, and that was because I suicide ran it at a Rotten Bell and unleashed Blood Frenzy on it to kill it off.

My opponent flipped Treasure Hunt as his strategy and so on the second turn I engaged the "Silurid Relay Team"; I hope this is legal because it was a lot of fun (See bottom of post). The first Silurid (0)Leapt onto the Treasure, (1)Interact to pick it up and (1)Walk to come back 5". The next Silurid (1)walked to the Silurid/Treasure (1)interact to grab it and (0)leap back wards. The last Silurid (1)walked, (1)interact to grab the treasure and (0)leapt away again. The treasure ended up way back in my deployment zone, two of the Silurids were completely out of LOS and the first one that originally bagged the treasure was in hard cover behind a gravestone.

They spent the rest of the game boomeranging at Belles (charge at them, make an attack, then Self Preservation + Leap away) and on turn 5 made a mad dash for the enemy deployment zone to secure Breakthrough. I just remembered to drop the treasure in time, randomly in a bush in the middle of the board, otherwise my opponent would've gotten 2VP for it being in his deployment. LOL.

Bad Juju died on the second turn and I didn't bother to bring him back until the end of turn 5, into the enemy deployment. Zoraida did all of the offensive work with her Doll. Madam Sybelle was Obeyed all game, over and over again!

EDIT: Hmmm. Re-reading the book I have my doubts whether the "Silurid Relay" is legal, I think it would actually have to be the model carrying the Treasure that (1)interacts to pass to another model, but it doesn't say how (base contact, melee range, etc!?) I'll have to ask on the rules forum. The Silurids may not have been as good afterall. :(

EDIT EDIT: Yup, by the looks of it I would've had to (0)Leap, (1)Interact to grab Treasure, (1)Walk to get outta there and (0)Chameleon and just weather the storm for a round while I move the other Silurid's into position. Then next round, (1) Walk to friendly Silurid, (1)interact to hand off treasure (0)Leap away... repeat with the other two Silurids until the Treasure is miles away and they're all packed together in safety. It just means there's an extra turn of hoping and praying the Silurid you bagged the treasure with doesn't get spanked.

(Unless you Obey the first Silurid with Zoraida to move again and Obey with the Voodoo Doll to hand off the treasure to another Silurid that hasn't activated. Then you could bag the treasure away in one turn again. LOL.)

Edited by n0signal
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You need to re-read Eternal n0signal. The relevant phrase is this:

Eternal: If this model is killed, at the End Closing Phase of the next turn, discard 2 Soulstones... etc.

Once you have the mudman running you need to bring him back during that window or he is toast. With some butter and jam. And perhaps a spot of tea.

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Well, I just picked up some tater tots (my pet name for terror tots) and some young nephilim just in case a tot gets to grow. I want to try them out and drop Juju. This also ups the activations.

At 35 points, its the same list but im going to add Hamlin. Thats 3 obeys a turn with the voodo doll adding the final obey. should be interesting.

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