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Loving the pics. I played her 3 times against the Victorias box and got my butt handed to me all 3 times. Granted it was the 1st 3 games of playing Malifaux bit its was also my opponents first 3 games also.

Juju went down like a sack of potatoes and the Slurids though very trixy, got annihilated by her crew. I get that they are meant to tag team a model but then they tend to get smashed by the rest of your opponents crew.

I dont know. I could be playing them wrong

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Loving the pics. I played her 3 times against the Victorias box and got my butt handed to me all 3 times. Granted it was the 1st 3 games of playing Malifaux bit its was also my opponents first 3 games also.

Juju went down like a sack of potatoes and the Slurids though very trixy, got annihilated by her crew. I get that they are meant to tag team a model but then they tend to get smashed by the rest of your opponents crew.

I dont know. I could be playing them wrong

I noticed that about Silurids too. I think they work best when activated later in the turn when most of your opponent's models are spent and their fate hand is drained. This is nearly impossible with the basic Zoraida starter pack, but if you switch up her list a bit it works. Particularly if you use her with the gremlins who give her both the number of models to be able to act later in the turn and the card denial granted by sommer.

The silurids are perfect for jumping an unsuspecting master who wondered too far forward.

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I'm a bit new to Zoraida; the Gremlins were my first Crew, hers is my second and I'm still trying to make the switch. My experience too is that Juju, while he looks like an absolute behemoth on paper, is actually so easy to hit that he's taken down in one unlucky round... this has happened consistently in every game so far. Also, the Silurids are the kings of objective grabbing, because of their speed and (0)Leap being pretty easy to pull off with them. However, despite their average stats, they've no staying power and die easily as soon as someone catches up with them - they also don't seem to be able to put out the hurt, even with blood frenzy up.

Zoraida, however, is superb. I've not actually had her die in a single game yet - despite ending up in melee a few times. I've managed to jab other player's masters to death very easily with her Voodoo Pins and a pre-strike casting of Crystal Ball (then use the high casting card as your strike using Bayou Two-Card). I find that some combinations of her spells are insanely powerful, such as Crystal Ball/Bewitch + Obey, and she actually deceptively FAST if she wants to be. Often that Wk3 means nothing! If she needs to get somewhere she can Obey something (why not eh!?) then use Raven and Walk twice for 20" over movement over terrain. :o

I also find her Voodoo Doll to be absolutely brilliant. Df8 is stupidly hard to hit and I've only had it die on me once, when I ran out of control cards and couldn't cheat it's defence. If it does die tho, you can just bring it back. Despite it's low Ca score, I've managed to get a few Obeys off with it during my games, and it's just extremely useful. I often find that, by about turn 3/4 all of my Crew is probably dead, leaving just Zoraida and her Doll (and potentially a 6 Wd Juju to bring back)... but Zoraida has managed to win me games all on her own!!

I've picked up Hamelin to run with her, for a third Obey each turn, but I've not tried him yet. I'm debating swapping out Juju for him in 25SS games. Any thoughts?

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You speak the truth n0signal, great analysis. I do think this is one of the harder crews to really get a hold of like Pandora. Those Neverborns... so tricky to master...

I'm sad to hear that juju is not as effective for you as he has been for me. The whole hard to wound and what is it 12 WDs? Plus the delayed placement realy should be strategic advantage. And you can bring him back? You shoul dbe able to dirupt/tie up something pretty easily with him.

As for Zbags, the above post is good tips on her. She can have some nasty combos. With crystal ball you can control their fate deck and almost guarantee your spell gets off. Also hex is nasty debuff. Hit someone with that early in the turn say on someone the silruids are going to attack and they can't cheat fate all turn.

Hex someone and then pack attack with 2-3 silruids, nasty combo right there.

But yeah, sometimes thnigs don't always go as planned and aren't as easy to pull off as the are to right, so keep at it and enjoy the control freak, card shark, organ harvesting saggy boobed, Voodoo hag!

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Bad JuJu should be able to come back 2 times in a game making him almost 21 wounds worth that hits hard. Also his regen means you need to kill him in that one turn or he's gonna bounce back up. All that for 14 SS. I think it's worth planning around if you are gonna run him. Also with 1-2 Obeys on him he should be killing something in the turn he drops.

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You speak the truth n0signal, great analysis. I do think this is one of the harder crews to really get a hold of like Pandora. Those Neverborns... so tricky to master...

I'm sad to hear that juju is not as effective for you as he has been for me. The whole hard to wound and what is it 12 WDs? Plus the delayed placement realy should be strategic advantage. And you can bring him back? You shoul dbe able to dirupt/tie up something pretty easily with him.

As for Zbags, the above post is good tips on her. She can have some nasty combos. With crystal ball you can control their fate deck and almost guarantee your spell gets off. Also hex is nasty debuff. Hit someone with that early in the turn say on someone the silruids are going to attack and they can't cheat fate all turn.

Hex someone and then pack attack with 2-3 silruids, nasty combo right there.

But yeah, sometimes thnigs don't always go as planned and aren't as easy to pull off as the are to right, so keep at it and enjoy the control freak, card shark, organ harvesting saggy boobed, Voodoo hag!

A lot of it is what you are up against. If Juju is up against a crew with a few hard hitters, the experience will probably be very much like yours. If he is up against a crew with a lot of little guys, it will probably be a lot like n0signals. Gremlins don't care about hard to wound, they just poke him to death for 1 each time they hit. But, against crews like that I would consider simply deploying him a little later in the game. Haven't tried it yet though.

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Bad JuJu should be able to come back 2 times in a game making him almost 21 wounds worth that hits hard.

Unless he's getting killed on the first/second turn, sitting out the second/third, back for the third/fourth and instantly killed again, misses the fourth/fifth, back for the fifth/sixth... then you've got him resurrected three times. He can't have done a lot tho apart from die... a lot!? :o This is of course assuming an average 6 turn game, if you flip for more turns then yeah, you can bring him back a whole heap of times. It doesn't mean he's doing a lot tho, just dying and respawning.

Also with 1-2 Obeys on him he should be killing something in the turn he drops.

Unfortunately, you can not cast Obey on Bad Juju. He is immune to influence and will "auto-pass" the Wp resist. :(

Anyhoo. I'm not meaning to beat up on Juju. He actually didn;t die once in my game tonight and almost, aaaaalmost, killed Lady Justice and bagged me an assassination + kidnap victory. But he missed a swing and her trigger went off where she deals damage to you. It killed him. Still, he was a survivor in that game and killed two Death Marshals and the Judge, so maybe I'm getting the hang of him more. ;)

BTW, is it just me or is Kidnap just a bit of a crap scheme for Zoraida's crew? You can't go wrong with an announced Bodyguard and Breakthrough IMO.

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Here is a list of the out of faction models Zoraida can take with enthrall. I made it for myself and figured I would post it:

Papa Loco


Ice Gamin

Bayou Gremlin

Hog Whisperer


War Pig

I could see some good things happening with Bad Juju and the Nurse.

When Bad Juju is low on wounds she could massive dose him twice so that he gains reactivate, +2/+2 walk/charge, +4 combat, and a +flip on damage. He'll be sacrificed at the end of the turn, but if he was low anyway, it's no big deal since he'll come back. Or would this work since massive dose says "sacrifice." Hmm...

She also can grant a model in base to base armor 1. And she can use surgery on opponent's models to make them slow without passing the casting duel and with no resist duel. She could even cheat to purposefully fail so they couldn't heal.

Yeah, I'm liking the nurse with Zoraida. And Papa Loco is no laughing matter either. With him and the Ice Gamin you could theme your crew around exploding when they die. Heh...

Edit: I'm guessing Juju wouldn't come back after being sacrificed. I'm still liking the Nurse, though.

Edited by Justin
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Unless he's getting killed on the first/second turn, sitting out the second/third, back for the third/fourth and instantly killed again, misses the fourth/fifth, back for the fifth/sixth... then you've got him resurrected three times. He can't have done a lot tho apart from die... a lot!? :o This is of course assuming an average 6 turn game, if you flip for more turns then yeah, you can bring him back a whole heap of times. It doesn't mean he's doing a lot tho, just dying and respawning.

The above actually has it's uses, because if it is as you have said, then your opponent wasn't hitting anything else with that damage. Bad Juju is acting as a damage soak allowing your other minions to do their thing. If he was to die the first time and stay dead then there would be nothing else to distract your opponent and he would target the others. At the least it forces your opponent to focus on him again and waste activations/actions/control cards.

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LDP has is, if you can keep them occupied with your big baddy through all 21 wounds then what have they been doing about the rest of your crew that is still able to beat on them?

He's great in that capacity even if he does not damage at all.

Oh, I missed the 'Immune to Influence' so yeah no Obey's.

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Played a 3 way last night against Lilith and Leveticus. I played the box set with a voodoo doll. Silurids ddnt do much. but they were going for my claim jump.

Watched Lev almost 1 shot Lilith. He hit her with a severe but she used a soul stone to prevent 3 of the damage. He killed her with his auto damage spell.

My highlight was non other then Juju (sorry E). I summoned him within 2 inches of Lev and 3 of his Hallowed Waif. Swung and hit and already damaged Lev (thanks to an obeyed steampunk abomination) and finished them both with a landslide.

I was really scared of those 2 master. Lev is silly with all his tricks and strong card draw and Lilith because, well shes Lilith. Fun game though.

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LOL. Yeah, Juju has to be at least 7" from a model for a reason. It means he can't walk and then do Landslide and hit anything. Basically, when Juju comes on, he get to walk or defensive stance usually.

I think Lalo is correct; Juju is over costed a little. But that's because coming on anywhere on the board, and as many times as you have soul stones, can be quite powerful. I'm always tempted to take Breakthrough with Zoraida's crew because you can just pop Juju up in their deployment a few turns in (and Z can fly 20" towards there at the end of the game and be pushed another 4" by invisible servants).

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