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Why no love for Seamus?


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Hey guys, just a quick question. Why isn't anyone discussing Seamus, all I see are McMourning and Nicoderm threads! The reason I ask is this: I'm waiting for my order to come in and I've chosen the Seamus gang as my first go at the game. I'm just hoping the reason nobody is discussing him is because he's straight forward and not because he's pants and nobody likes him :).

Anyways, I can't wait to play my first game. Been waiting what seems like forever (the distributor had a hard time getting the models, something about a flood. Who knows.) and these boards have been keeping me going. I'm sure I'll be posting more after reading the book. Likely with millions of questions. I'll appologize in advance. Sorry. :)

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Seamus is a bastard. When you only scratch him and kill his crewmembers he heals.

Attack him directly and waste so much power.

Tested him in a small game and he was able to took the fire of 3 perdita members in one turn and still got half life. Look i am in cover, please draw 4 cards and take the lowest...

In another game the Seamus player discovered how effective moral can be.

Trail of Fear + Face of Dead when Seamus is in the middle of combat and crews with normal willpower stats got a real problem. You need 10+ cards for not running away like chicken. Means most of your crew will run and iam still look for a way to compensate that.

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I love Seamus, but not really taken him to the field much due to my lack of punk zombies and necropunks (which will hopefully be rectified as soon as all the post office nonsense in England is sorted). When I have used him though, he's a beast! The level at which he can screw with your opponant's morale is amazing, coupled with his belles luring things left right and centre he has massive board control.

I'd always be sure to take as many soulstones as possible with him, his cb stats are good but not great, so that extra boost to his duel total will come in very handy when facing the high-def enemies so you can go about slitting throats or blowing people away with his rather powerful flintlock.

He's a tough bugger as well, Hard to wound two and using soulstones (when needed) means that your enemy will almost always have negative flips while damaging him, coupled with that he has "hard to kill", which means he can never be taken below one wound by an attack, your opponant will probably have put a lot of effort into damaging him so much so this little ability means he'll probably survive long enough to heal himself.

He has a great morale debuff ability which makes your belles even lurier, makes scary things (including himself) scarier and when The Hanged comes out itit will be another perfect partner for him.

He's really tough, can dish out massive punishment, supports his belles well and can heal and draw cc when something dies near him. Fantastic!

Anyay, rest assured you will not be dissappointed with Malifaux's favourite psychopath.

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Look i am in cover, please draw 4 cards and take the lowest...

just a heads up- the max twist you can get is = :mali-fate:mali-fate:mali-fate. granted that's enough of a pain on it's own, but every little but...

(and reading this thread makes me know who i want for a resurrectionist force... thinking of nabbing one of each eventually >< )

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Who is the distributor and what's the trouble?

We've sent out massive amounts of products to fill back orders, then sent out even more to fill shelves, then sent out more on top of that just to keep it on the shelves as apparently it has gone just as quick (believe me, I'm not complaining). That said .. we've sent out enough that there should be a halfway decent flow by now.

That said, we've got some honkin' big orders going out this week as well (worked all weekend on metal restock/cleaning/packaging).

Back to Seamus though ... gotta love the bugger! :D

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just a heads up- the max twist you can get is = :mali-fate:mali-fate:mali-fate. granted that's enough of a pain on it's own, but every little but...

The cover forced attack duells with low results so i often got the maximal twist of 3.

Means 4 cards. And with 4 cards drawn you always found a low one.

Running a lot of belles with him is a pain for the opponent too.

The full crew is going to be lured around when -2 to Wp, always slowed and then beaten to dead with parasols.

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