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Wyrd Western Saloon


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I posted a while back an idea I had on how to build a table worthy of Malifaux. I wanted to build a stylized set of terrain, something that would compliment the miniature line. I decided to Tim Burtonize the Old West. Here are a few pictures of a salloon I'm working on for your viewing pleasure. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the project, and I welcome any feedback.







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I'm afraid there can be no tutorial, because building this thing is more a matter of intuition. I can tell you that I've used 1/16th inch bass wood for the construction. I chose to use GW superglue, because it cures fast enough that I don't have to hold everything for very long. As far as design, I'm still working out details on the fly. Currently, I've come to realize that the roof is crooked. Rather than building a new roof, I'm just adding wood until it looks somewhat right. Since the design is stylized, the more amatuer its construction looks, the more I think it fits with the design.

So, here's my tutorial: Screw it. When you make a mistake, just keep tweeking it until it looks not so horrible (to borrow a phrase).

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