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What is Official?


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Hey everyone!

I've had a few questions lately about what exactly is an "Official" ruling about the Malifaux rules in the threads here and in the rules section. I want to make it clear that unless it comes from Nathan or Myself, it's not official. Otherwise it's just opinions from other players excited about Malifaux. We've gotten a ton of great supporters of the game who have been involved in lots of discussions and have a great insight to the game, and want to share their experiences, which is awesome! However, feel free to ask if their opinion is "official" or not (if it's had an official ruling).

As of right now, I can point everyone to the official Errata thread.

This thread represents the only official changes to the wording in the book, and will be updated as decisions are made that require official changes. Please understand we are not going to rush changes, as we don't want to make any errors in the changes themselves.

For clarification on rules interpretations, we are currently working on an official FAQ, which will give you a ton of official rulings. This has also taken a bit of time as we wanted to be sure to compile and address all the pressing issues and then review them to ensure that this document would be both comprehensive and accurate.

Please understand that Malifaux has only been released for just over a month, and the success of the game has brought a lot of you to the forums since Gencon (and we love that you're here). While this creates the urge is to rush on "official" answers to make everyone happy right away, but we feel it is important to take the time needed to ensure we get it right.

Thank you everyone!


Edited by EricJ
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There should be a social group start up for "enthusiastic player". Although my wife would call it "obsessive irritation" - but that's just from her point of view.

Just this morning she said, "Okay. How many times do you need to read that stupid book?" :D

So I put the book down and logged on here. As I typed the above sentence she said, "Okay, your dumb forum isn't a better option."


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Dumb ... get a switch, and use the rule of thumb!

(joke people .. jooooooke!)

First and foremost let me point out that there are some seriously helpful folks that have been working on making Malifaux the best that it can and you should see some of the great debates that go on back and forth in the private rules forums as they get ahold of a rule or calling and just shred it. Specifically folks have been brought on with a broad spectrum of experience and views on the games in order to get the best out of folks and Malifaux. Due to that though we also want to make certain that when it is all said and done a single post/decision is made on this so that there is no confusion for folks.

The game has been out for a month now, and thank you again for the enthusiasm that y'all have shown. We've been swamped with one thing or another, real life jumping up at the most inconvenient time, but we're all on track and you'll see more good things here shortly (website, henchmen, releases, call for testers new and old, etc). We're just getting our feet steady under us again though after that 1-2 punch with the stock!

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