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As for larger distributors, you can only ask, as I personally do not rap on the door and say 'please, carry our product .. please'. Sorry, we've never peddled our wares in that manner and won't start now. If someone wants our product we are more than happy to work with them and generally do everything we can to make it a good experience.

That makes me sad. It sounds like there's too much pride standing in the way of trying to get your product to a wider audience. And the larger distributors don't, and aren't really able to, talk to every company out there in order to set up accounts with them for their product. It's a sad catch 22. I picked up quite a bit of stuff at Gencon, and have shown it off at a couple different stores, creating quite a bit of interest, but many of the stores in the area feel they already have accounts with too many distributors as it is, so don't want to open up more. You say to tell them to contact you, and they're basically saying the same thing. For whatever reason, everyone seems to feel like it's not their place/job to contact the other.

Someone's got to make the first step at contact, and it's honestly hurting everyone until it happens. Possible customers/players aren't able to get the product, which represents a loss of possible income. Demand and interest will only remain around so long in the face of limited or no availability before customers simply give up and go play games that they can actually spend their money on easily.

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That makes me sad. It sounds like there's too much pride standing in the way of trying to get your product to a wider audience. And the larger distributors don't, and aren't really able to, talk to every company out there in order to set up accounts with them for their product.

Actually thats kinda the point of a distributor. They figure out whats popular, and they proceed to get in contact with the company to sell there merchandise. Sometimes companies go to them but a lot of times they seek out whats big. They monitor trade magazines, make contact at cons and monitor the internet to see whats big.

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Yeah, the only real issue I have with the rules is the fact you have all the fluff scattered inbetween the rules and it makes for some serious page flipping.

yeah do agree with this, could have kept basic rules together like combat etc, with fluff before and after. between each chapter is a little much.

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