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Crew advice


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I'm looking at ordering up some esentially sight unseen. Nobody local is selling or has any info of the game so it's mail order for me and not much knowlege of what plays like what. Anybody willing to take a stab at what factions or crews would be the easiest to get a feel of. I don't mean destroy my enemy so simply I could do it asleep, just get a good feel and understanding of what does what. At this point I've only got model's looks to go by and while that may be fun it's not necessarily ever playable. Just by looks I'm leaning to Guild or Outcast. All the guild models all look great (ok most of this looks great) and there is something about the Gremlins that cracks me up. Plus the order of the Chimera stuff looks interesting too.

I guess what I'm really looking for is not "What do you like, shooty or... Bla bla..." My situation is going to be a couple of guys trying the game out. There is nobody to have watched before and nobody to "borrow" from. So it's about a hundred bucks to try it out. I hope I can find something that won't leave me more confused after 3 games than before I started with a rulebook on a shelf and som pretty minis that never play.

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Glad to see someone new to the game, Welcome!

The Guild are a good choice... They are pretty easy to use, and are mostly direct damage types. I would avoid the Outcasts as a first faction (unless you just really like the models) because they just tend to break the rules a lot... If you had your heart set on them, however, don't be too scared of them... in reality they're just as easy to play as anyone else.

IMHO, the most fun crews to play are the Arcanists. They are fairly easy to get the hang of, but leave room to improve your strategy as you become a better player.

The Resurectionists are quite fun as well, especially Nicodem. He is particularly good at making lots, and lots of zombies... :D

Hope this helps!

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Best advise I can give you is to pick the crew that appeals the most to you visually...for your first crew. You are the one painting them and you have to stare at them. I picked Lady J and the Death Marshalls based on Lady J and the Judge. Two very cool models.


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That is pretty sound advice for ANY game you get into "sight unseen", and is even something that GW espouses to new players (ie its not rocket science).

Your only other option, really, is to get the rulebook first and then make an informed decision. Proxy models, photocopy stats, and go from there. If visuals arent enough for you, maybe its best to wait.

You wont be disappointed.

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Glad to see someone new to the game, Welcome!

The Guild are a good choice... They are pretty easy to use, and are mostly direct damage types. I would avoid the Outcasts as a first faction (unless you just really like the models) because they just tend to break the rules a lot... If you had your heart set on them, however, don't be too scared of them... in reality they're just as easy to play as anyone else.

IMHO, the most fun crews to play are the Arcanists. They are fairly easy to get the hang of, but leave room to improve your strategy as you become a better player.

The Resurectionists are quite fun as well, especially Nicodem. He is particularly good at making lots, and lots of zombies... :D

Hope this helps!


Thanks! Like I said I'm not looking for most broken, I'm looking for most unlikely to frustrate 2 players with no tutor. If it plays well then I'm going to be way more likely to want to find "what I like best" but if the first night if a flop of confusion the likelyhood of a second try is much lower.

If the Guild are a good choice then I'm thinking gunslingers or Marshals. Kinda wondering how a mix of them would do really but I'll just start with one box or the other. Possible add Rusty Alyce and/or Hans later depending on what the book has to say. And for the other side I'll take your advice about the outcasts and try out Chimera. Can revisit the Gremlins later if all goes well. The funny thing is I think I want to paint the gremlins more than play them.

I gota say, IMO the box sets is briliant. Not that faction starters have never been done before but seperate starters for every leader, 15 total. makes it pretty easy to try. Are you selling to any shops near Seattle? If ya are I can't find 'em.icon9.gif

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You can add Hans, but Alyce won't work for Guild right now (that may change, we'll see). Guild is a great all around faction, and they play pretty straight forward. They're definitely easy on the learning curve, especially the Lady J box. It's well-rounded, and everything is pretty straight forward. Within a full turn or two (usually the first is almost all movement), you'll have the basics pretty much figured out, and you'll be ready to rock and roll.

For an opponent list, the Viktorias box is pretty solid, but the Viktoria "twins" are a bit steeper of a learning curve. Bishop also brings quite a few things to keep track of, but they're not difficult. just more of a "what do I need to remember for THIS turn" type of thing.

If you like the Order of the Chimera box, that's not a bad box to pick up as a second box. Marcus definitely plays differently than Lady J.

The Gremlins box is great. They're a bit fragile, especially when they start shooting each other in the back, but with a Warpig involved, they can dish out some pain. And what's not to love about a master with a spell called "Pull My Finger"???

As for the Seattle question, There are 2 distributors carrying Wyrd, and they'll happily sell direct to stores. If you're not seeing it around you, start making some noise. After what happened at Gen Con, stores will only be able to ignore Malifaux for so long. Either that, or they've got their heads in the sand.

oh yeah, almost forgot: the Ortegas work really well with other Guild thrown in, or farmed out where you need them. Santiago is hella sweet. Perdita is great. And Nino is just as much fun as the Gremlins.

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The Cult of December box seems pretty straight forward (although I've only played my self to get the jist down, I'm just that cool). The Gamin are pretty tough little buggers and the Ice Golem is your pretty standard "smashy smashy and super tough but hella slow" kinda guy (think Khador 'jack if you play WM). Plus Rasputina has to be one of the coolest characters IMO.

My personal favourite is Seamus, he's a wily bugger and can bring some serious shooty pain if you plan ahead. Plus the Belles are quite useful, and can do surprising damge for an dead chick with a brolly! Plus you can make more of them! YEAY! Also, his totem promises to be hi-larious.

Although if you're picking up Death Marshals, might be best to avoid Resurrectionists for your second "demo group". As the Marshals are built to funk with Resurrectionists, and for your first games will give you a huge advantage over them. (until we learn how to deal with it. More Zombie Hookers anyone?)

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The Neverborn are the control/speed faction. They lack ranged potential but make up for it in speed and general nastiness....

Pandora: Pandora is control. She has lots of spells that cause morale duels and some solid debuffs. She has some odd synergy with her models and due to her less direct nature is one of the harder masters to play. She's really cool though and due to her control nature army lists with her tend to have an agressive bent to compenate and indeed capitalize on her abilities.

Lilith: Lilith is the speed demon (literally). She is extremely fast and she hits like a ton of bricks. Her army tends to be good old fashion blitzkrieg and she's quite good at it. She does lack toughness though and while her defense is high her and her units tend not to be high on wounds. You can take her with other units however. Running her with units like the hooded rider and Bad Ju Ju can make for a very nasty speed blunt force list.

Zoriada: Zoriada is another control master. Though rather than using morale duels like Pandora she has ability denial spells and is shockingly tough for a mage master (High def, abilities that make her hard to catch). Her big weakness is that with the new obey errata she has trouble dealing with masters by herself. She has a lot of army flexiblity but her boxset is pure angriness (Silurids and bad juju are very nasty) and playing her with a lot of hard hitting models (whether her box set or others, lots of flexiblity there) is probably the way to go to compensate for inability to fight masters by herself.

That's my two cents

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Zoraida's fine. That errata just prevents her from doing things like making arachnids pop. Voodoo Dolls still make her amazing, and with the Sillurids running around and JuJu lurking in the background, she's solid. She's actually my favorite Neverborn master. She also lets you bring some Gremlins to the party.

When it comes to scary Neverborn models, The Hooded Rider is amazing, and I can't wait to see the sculpt.

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Zoraida's fine. That errata just prevents her from doing things like making arachnids pop. Voodoo Dolls still make her amazing, and with the Sillurids running around and JuJu lurking in the background, she's solid. She's actually my favorite Neverborn master. She also lets you bring some Gremlins to the party.

When it comes to scary Neverborn models, The Hooded Rider is amazing, and I can't wait to see the sculpt.

I never said there was anything wrong with Zoriada, she's quite good. I just said she just has a problem dealing with masters by herself. I mean, there's not a lot she can do to them aside from preventing them from using Control Cards (Which is not bad mind you). She relies on the rest of the army to deal with them. Her job is to deal with everything else for the most part.

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I just meant she can deal with the masters pretty well by making voodoo dolls of enemy models and then using Obey to have them mess with the opposing master. Nothing like a fully charged Joss suddenly turning on an unsuspecting Ramos. :D

Of course, you're only going to get away with that trick a few times before people start remembering that once there's a voodoo doll in place, that model is no longer entirely friendly.

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I just meant she can deal with the masters pretty well by making voodoo dolls of enemy models and then using Obey to have them mess with the opposing master. Nothing like a fully charged Joss suddenly turning on an unsuspecting Ramos. :D

Of course, you're only going to get away with that trick a few times before people start remembering that once there's a voodoo doll in place, that model is no longer entirely friendly.

Obey is still a great spell. Poor Zoraida is still the only master in the game who has no hope if the game gets down to master v master. Sure some are better than others in this situaiton but Zoriada's player does not have a good time with this...

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