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Arcanists Help? Just starting out....


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My buddies bought Resurrectionists and Guild. I love me the Arcanists Rasputina.

I borrowed the book and read all the story which was great. I will eventually buy the book too.

For those more experienced so far can you tell me if this is a good collection to start off with:

1 Rasputina Box set (1 Rasputina,1 Ice Golem,3 Ice Gamin)

1 December Acolyte

1 Hoarcat Pride (3)

1 Molemen (3)

1 Sabertooth Cerberus

Is there anything that is a must have?

A must have more of?

A save your money?

Should I buy the Marcus box since I want the Sabertooth and maybe the Razorspine eventually and then be able to play large battles or should I just by the sabertooth and buy a box late?

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I know there was a lot of talk at Gencon about running a cat-themed Rasputina list with the Prides and Cerberus.

As for the Marcus box, you get the Cerberus, the Razorspine, and Myranda. Myranda is one of my favorite pieces in the game because she can shapeshift into whatever beast you want. She's really versatile in this regard and a lot of fun, too. Nobody knows what you're bringing to the table when you put Myranda down.

If you want the Cerberus and the Razorspine and you think Myranda sounds interesting, Marcus will be in the box to provide you with a second master just to change things up and to use in bigger games.

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The Marcus box is a lot of fun, and if you want the cerebus and razorspine, you'll likely also enjoy Myranda, as redstripe mentioned, she's a great model.

The main thing I think you'd like to change is taking more hoarcat prides, as they really gain a ton of power when used in groups of at least 2.

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For Rasputina, there are two schools of thought... kitties and constructs. The kitty list is generally composed of a cerberus and at least 3 prides. If you decide to go this route, bring a lot of hoarcat prides, because they work much better the more you have. This list is nice because it is hard hitting and very straightforward to play... The cats eat things, plain and simple.

The construct list, on the other hand, is a little harder to play but has some very nasty tricks. In that type of list, you want a golem and loads of gamins...you want to have plenty to ice mirror off of. The most important thing to remember when using a construct heavy list is that the gamins are sapper units, meaning they are tough but still not super powerful. With this list, expect Rasputina and the golem to do most of the heavy lifting.

Glad to see another Arcanist player! :D

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Thank you for your replies thus far.

I think I will have more than one hoarcat pride, don't they come 3 per box/blister?

If I understood this wrong I will drop the molemen for the time being and get 3 hoarcat prides.

It sounds like getting both boxes is the way to go early on here. I will start with Rasputina box, December acolyte and 3 hoarcat prides then expand from there. I know the Wendigo is on the horizon too so that will be another piece.

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I've really digging the Rasputina box with 1 Gamin swapped for the December Acolyte. It cuts down on your "arc node" fodder, but it gives you a solid flanking force that pick off/engage gribblies, allowing the slower stuff to get up the board.

When the totems come out, definitely look at getting the Essence of Power and Wendigo for Raspie too.

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Thank you for your replies thus far.

I think I will have more than one hoarcat pride, don't they come 3 per box/blister?

If I understood this wrong I will drop the molemen for the time being and get 3 hoarcat prides.

It sounds like getting both boxes is the way to go early on here. I will start with Rasputina box, December acolyte and 3 hoarcat prides then expand from there. I know the Wendigo is on the horizon too so that will be another piece.

The hoarcat pride is each pack is one pride, the pride is made up of a 40mm base and three independent little kitties.

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