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Water Effects


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So I've been using GW water effects on some bases, and it seems to be awful. It dries to a layer about 1/3 as thick as you put on and what's more it tends to pool in larger areas while the smaller areas dry up. Is this true of most water effects? I realise it's a time consuming process but each layer is visible through the last and as such completely fails to look like natural water.

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One-part water effects usually sucks. It is because they shrink quite substantially as they set. This can give a lot of unwanted effects. Usually, at least if you want some depth (more than a few millimeters), a two-part resin is the way to go. They have little or no shrinkage.

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I have done water effects on bases with both Vallejo Water Effects and Woodland Scenics Water Effect and both work well, I have done how-tos for both to boot:

Vallejo Watter Effects: http://coolminiornot.com/go.php/go/articlephp/aid/778?

Fiona the Black with Vallejo Watter Effects:


Woodland Scenics Water Effectshttp://coolminiornot.com/article/aid/777

Eiryss with Woodland Scenics Water Effects:



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