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quick questions


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One how much is the book going to be?

Will there be pre-ordering of the book for those of us not able to make gen-con?

What is the average game size going to be?

Will there be a pressganger(official demo/event organizer) like position for malifaux?

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Will there be pre-ordering of the book for those of us not able to make gen-con?

What is the average game size going to be?

I think I can help a little with these. Note that I'm no official guy, just some schmuck.

I remember someone saying that there will be pre-ordering (coming up in August, I think).

I think the game can be played with all sorts of different sizes. I also remember someone saying that they wanted the starter box to be a playable size. Extrapolating from there-- maybe 7-10 models, depending on composition. Give or take, I guess.

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What is the average game size going to be?

The game is designed so you can play it at all sorts of different sizes.

It really depends on who you ask regarding the "average," or standard size.

Personally, one of the main reasons I was drawn to Malifaux was that it was initially promoted as a game that could be played using the crew sets you can purchase in the online store. To me, this meant the game was going to be around 5-6 models per player, which was exactly what I was looking for.

Since then, there's been a lot of talk trying to figure this out, but I don't think we'll have an official "standard(s)" until Gencon when the game is actually released and the masses get a chance to play it.

I really hope that the 5-6 models size will be one of the accepted standards, but I also know that plenty of people want larger games of 10+ miniatures per player. That is not my cup of tea, but different strokes for different folks.

Edited by thetang22
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We are working on an organized play system right now.

I do know that Nathan and Eric wants some sort of "Pressganger esc" system for demoers.

If all goes well there will also be an online tracking system for folks and some sort of annual invitation tournament.

As for the book, I am not certain about the actual number but the intent is for people to buy two starters and the book for around $120 or so. So if you and your friend are going to play all that you need to get started is around $60 each or so.

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We are working on an organized play system right now.

I do know that Nathan and Eric wants some sort of "Pressganger esc" system for demoers.

If all goes well there will also be an online tracking system for folks and some sort of annual invitation tournament.

As for the book, I am not certain about the actual number but the intent is for people to buy two starters and the book for around $120 or so. So if you and your friend are going to play all that you need to get started is around $60 each or so.

Is that price including the price of the two decks of special cards?

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Nathan mentioned before that @ $70-75 should net you a starter, a book, and a deck of cards.

As for game sizes, 5-6 models is a blast! Grab a starter and a few blisters for variety, or just a pair of starters from the same faction, and you've got a solid pool to build from. For the Gen Con tournament, expect things to work out nicely with the starters. That said, the game scales really nicely from about 4 models per side up to 15+ (if you're as crazy as some people around here). Things get a little complicated at the larger sizes, but that's true for most games. You'll definitely have fun with a starter or two. All of the minions in a faction will work for any of the masters in the faction. See something you like in a different starter for your chosen faction, buy it and put it in your list.

There will be a few of us around Gen Con as "official" minions (Eric promised us shirts), so hopefully that's the start of something beautiful for the future.

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Malifaux Game Book - $35USD

Malifaux Starter Box Sets - $30USD average, some are slightly cheaper, others bit more.

Fate Deck - $6.50-$7USD if I'm recalling correctly.

Henchman Program will be in place by Gencon for folks wanting to push the game to the public, demo, do whatever.

Pre-sales will occur, but not until the book prints are in hand. Won't sell anything that isn't on hand as that's bad practice but expect that will be end of July, first week of August.

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