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Beo's WIP Guild Witchhunters

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I had toyed with getting into this game, but seeing as how everyone is so into it up north, the minis are so cool, and knowing how great a guy Nathan is (I had been picking his stuff up since the first Gen Con I went to (in 05) I figured now is the time. I decided on doing the Guild as the look of the models appealed to me a great deal.

Here are my Witchhunters. I still need to do a great deal of work on the. For the Witchlings I was going with a Assassin's Creed meets the KKK look. I think I am going to stick with neutral toned down colors for the two humans but one bright colored item. So bright red Bandanna and Anime Pink hair for Sonja.

I got cheap with the bases, while I might pick up the base inserts I did not have 10 bucks on me at the time to buy them, so I just cut up a X-mas mat.


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Looking pretty sweet so far. I like the pale color of the stalkers. Sonia will look sweet with pink hair, cool idea!

Can you tell me more about this "X-mas mat" you cut up for the bricks? What do you mean? I may want something like that for some terrain or something, thanks.

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