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Entertaining Spam Subject lines...


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And? Does it work? Can you hook a brutha up? I'm a sucker for sales and I have been meaning to do some work on my love sword. The timing couldn't be better! Valentines is just a week and a half away! Anyone wanna go half-sies on a bulk order?

From the way they say "Forge you huge love sword" it makes me think of the opening scene to Conan: The Barbarian where Arnies dad i smaking up that bitchin' sword. Man, I can't WAIT to get my hands on this product!

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Sorry Duende. 404 error. :(

Odd, it works ok for me...

When I click it, it automatically opens Windows Media Player to play whatever is on that page. But the ins and out of how computers talk to each other, why it's fine on mine and not on yours, is beyond me. :confused:

Can anyone link it better than me?

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Here are the spam subjects I've gotten inside the last hour.

  1. Get tips for better enhancing.
  2. Swiss branded Watches
  3. If there will be only girls around, will you be ready?
  4. Solving ALL love making problems in a matter of a few minutes.
  5. Only here can you find solution to all your male troubles.
  6. Turn your bedroom life into a volcano of pleasure.
  7. Worried that tiny size will get you down?
  8. For those who want to satisfy their women.
  9. Choose your own price.
  10. For sure, you will feel more pleaser after a short course of enhancing.
  11. Fancy a love-making problem? We will solve all your problems.
  12. confirmation needed
  13. Over 10 million men made their women happy, and you?
  14. You want to impress your girlfriend tonight?
  15. Wish to add more fire into your bedroom life?
  16. The big dream of your life might come true right now.
  17. Greater tool is easy to get.
  18. Be a Valentine's Day stud!
  19. The most talked about weight loss product.

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I need to move to the UK because evidently I've won every lottery in where the winnings are in pounds sterling. I'm also the next of kin to a lot of random deceased people, or just dying people who just decided tpo leave me their estate for no apparent reason.

I just like to think that I'm very rich in some alternate bizarro universe....

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