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Can you take a pic and show the magnet arrangement on the bottom? Were you able to arrange the spiders' legs to be able to share a magnet and save some magnets?

I also trying to work out a way to identify spiders and their respective slots on the 30mm and 40mm bases... Any thoughts?

I didn't change the layout from the earlier pic Anger.

However with some better planning you can certainly get it to work. I may order another swarm and do another base because I do see myself using two or more swarms in the future.

I think I am going to add small black dots where the feet like to fall. There is a decent amount of space on the underside of the spiders that isn't visible unless you take the spider off of the base. I am going to add small black numbers there and corresponding numbers in white on the underside of the bases. Between that and the small black dots that will be themed in so that they look like part of the base (Though I will know differently) I think getting the boogers to stick correctly will be trivial.

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I think I've decided that when I do my Ramos set I'll have to skip the magnet idea for swapping spiders. It sounds like a really great idea if done right, and will save some painting and money, but I don't think it will work for me. I have to put magnets on the bottom of the base so it will stick to the display case, and if I do that, I won't be able to pull the spiders out of their spot. Every time I try to grab the spiders, they'll just pop off the base and the base will stay magnetized to the display case.

I'm just gonna have to plunk down more money and buy more spiders. I don't mind too much though, I've got some fun ideas for swarm setups that will probably be better suited if they are permanent instead of detachable.

I'm very curious to see how the detachable option pans out though. Good luck to all attempting it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All right!

Thanks to St. Anger I got back on the wagon myself and got some progress done. I finished another spider and started work on Ramos:





Not the greatest pictures but you can get an idea of where I am going. The outside of the cloak is done except for some freehand work. The inside red is just the base coat. I'll be adding some green for shadows and some yellow highlights.

Before you all flip out that I didn't prime the model let me remind you that I use lacquer based enamels. The thinner works right through primer. Plus the paint is much harder so priming is not necessary.

Tomorrow I'll probably have to get back to the commission. I have a mini deadline for the end of this week to show some progress. Hopefully there will be a bit more time later on to get some more progress in.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's been forever but with the general slowdown after Gencon I've had time to pick up a brush again.

Not the greatest pictures by any stretch but he is getting there.



What remains:

Some detail work. Either shading the black top of the coat or changing it to tan like the bottom. (Undecided)

Adding OSL to everything from the flame. (One of the joys of Lacquers. Paint up nice then go and add some OSL if needed. No need to work it in from the get go.)

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(One of the joys of Lacquers. Paint up nice then go and add some OSL if needed. No need to work it in from the get go.)
Working it in from the get go? Nah, that's not how I work with acrylics. just build up the OSL with glazes. Silly lacquer guy.

What a terrible, I mean wonderful, looking model! Rock on, dude.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update time:

Got the base mostly done. (Idea from AoM. Works beautifully BTW!)

Still need to do the OSL as well as some of the really fine detail work.

I think the hair needs a wash to lighten up the recesses a bit.




Once again, the pictures suck. One of these days I'll build myself a photo booth. Still busy as hell unfortunately.

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Well, then you are well ahead of me!

I have not even touched a brush in 2 weeks:doh:

Gotta get at least base coats done before we play, and still need to finish my mini for rotten harvest.

Plus painting contracts

plus work

plus cub scout stuff with my son

plus some time with the wife

plus therapy with my youngest son

plus yard work


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