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Totally off 'mini' topic but...

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Hey c'mon I only asked about beers. I have enjoyed the odd scotch or two but I prefer gin. Beer's a longer more refreshing drink when you've got to pass tiime and not get too plastered.

Thanks for all the suggestions anyways, I'm sure I'll get to sample most of them :)

You can repay me by suggesting some good gins. I've had most of the easy-to-find ones, but I'd bet there are a lot of gins available in England that I'll never find here.

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Gin is my absolute favorite drink.

However I get in fights when I drink the stuff. It's the only alcohol that does it too. There is a gin out there that has no juniper in it that doesn't turn me in to a raging a$$h@le so the general consensus is that it is the juniper that makes me nuts. The sad thing is that it really is my favorite.

I only get to drink it on my way to heavy metal concerts and the like where going into mosh pits and pounding on people is an accepted pastime.

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I thought juniper was the definition of gin?

It is usually.

This was some east Indian stuff that had different herbs in it.

I've only had it once (At an MIT party) and it knocked me out but I didn't want to kill the wippit kids that were apparently all touchy feely around me. I'm not fond of the touchy feely at all, let alone when I am drunk and especially when I drink gin. I didn't fly off the hook and smash face so I assume that the information that was told to me was true in that it didn't have juniper.

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It is usually.

This was some east Indian stuff that had different herbs in it.

I've only had it once (At an MIT party) and it knocked me out but I didn't want to kill the wippit kids that were apparently all touchy feely around me. I'm not fond of the touchy feely at all, let alone when I am drunk and especially when I drink gin. I didn't fly off the hook and smash face so I assume that the information that was told to me was true in that it didn't have juniper.

If it didn't have Juniper, it was a liqueur.

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Yep, sure is. I'm not crazy for it, and I have some friends that hate the stuff (mostly from bad experiences). Though if I'm looking for a drink to make me "crazy" and possible ready for a fight, it's Tequila. That's why I avoid the stuff like the plague.

I woke up without pants in a field after a long night of Tequila enjoyment. I still have the odd tattoo to prove it..."Thanks for the memories" in pink is a disturbing thing to see in the mirror.

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How do these drinking threads get so very long??? I guess I don't understand since I only drink once every other blue moon so I'm not really knowledgeable in that area.

Or.... you guys are just a bunch of alkeeholiks! :P:

This rhread seems to have gone Topsy, just growed and growed. All I asked was a recommendation for a few American beers :cheers:

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