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First of the Rackham Legends - Belial

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Personally, I think it looks awkward and disproportionate. Crazy amount of detail, but that's Rackham for you. I liket he head and the scythe, but the body just looks "wrong" to me somehow... don't like the tail between the legs either, just throws the balance off to me.

Just my opinion, it could be someone else's cup o' tea. :)

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It may be the camera angle butI have to agree with Duende. His stance looks very unnatural.

Thats pretty much what I thought when I saw it. I recognize that there is a large amount of detail, which is a step back in the right direction for Rackham from the detail-lacking PPP they've been putting out over the past 1/2 year. However, I don't really like the mini that much myself. I saw some people on Rackham's forum seem like they had an orgasm over the model, and its probably for no other reason than the large amount of detail in it that we have been depraved of for so long now from Rackham. Lots of people saying they are DEFINITELY picking one of these gems up - but again, I recognize the level of detail, but I still don't really care for the model itself that much.

*** I have to admit though, I DO like seeing the high quality previews from Rackham again - the last 1/2 year - 1 year have been so boring there waiting for something interesting to come out...

Edited by thetang22
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This has been in the making for the past 5 years...Awesome sculpt!

Five years and they make a creature whose most massive body part is the neck? I was at work when I wrote my first post so I couldn't look at it for very long so that post was my first impression. The more I look at it now, the more I find I don't like:

• Forearms and hands oversized

• Neck looks "lumpy" and even bigger than the torso

• Large tail coming through the legs throws pose off balance

• Feet don't sit evenly on the ground (small thing I know, but you'd think for their official photo they could make it even)

• Hard to see but creature hardly has any abdominal area or groin, bad pelvic area. (Could be just the angle)

But there are some pros too:

• Good head and horns

• Ooodles of detail work to keep it interesting

• Great scythe

• Good size (I like bigger minis ;) Don't strain my eyes as much)

Well, it's certainly eye-catching, but I don't think I'd get it.


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My problem is I'm a sucker for anything with a Horny head...

I basically don't collect much myself these days mainly painting for selling.. but the pieces I keep for me are Minotaurs....btw anyone know of the whereabouts of an ilyad minotaur shout me please)

The way I'm llooking at this guy is outside the realms of normal anatomy.. Daemonic.. bare muscle parts swollen and distended bits with what appears to be teeth here and there as well as the pox ridden look to the horns etc....I don't think it's perfect but I think painted up may shed a different light on it.....

More angles would clarify a bit more and position of tail etc is a simple fix....I see potential ...honestly I do.... really...I swear......

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I know where one is.... but you can't have him! He's mine, baby, mine. :D :D

Ditto! :approve:

I don't like this new mini, though. It doesn't seem that well sculpted and all the details make me think they're there just to cover up the fact that it is not well sculpted.


Yes, there seems to be some changes in detail. Another scythe blade, for instance.

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